McKinsey makes $500,000+ on a single presentation.

You can learn their simple framework below (for free):

The secret? Story, flow, and structured arguments.

Every fresh analyst is taught this blueprint:
• Introduction & context on one slide
• Always lead with the conclusion
• Pyramid argument structure
• Title storyline & slide flow

Let's break it down, so you can apply it too:
Set the stage by using the SCQA framework.

Situation: what's the current state?
Complication: what needs to change?
Question: how can you solve the complication?
Answer: this one deserves it's own slide, up next.

This tells your audience WHY they should read on.

Next, lead with your answer.

Put your conclusion out there, and let people digest it.

Explain WHY this is the answer later on.

Break down your answer using the Pyramid principle

• Back your conclusion with 3-5 key arguments
• Support your arguments with findings & data
• 1 argument per slide, drive your point home
• Nothing overlaps, nothing is missing
• "Nice to haves" go in the appendix

All slide titles combine to tell the storyline.

A busy executive only scans the titles.

Will they get your point?

A great slide title:
• Presents the slides' takeaway
• Clearly makes the main argument
• Answers why the audience should care - "So what?"

The slide content explains & supports the title.

You've made your point in the title, now support it:
• Explain how your data leads to the takeaway
• Show supporting data & findings
• Give context to the argument

Bookmark this thread as cheat sheet for your next presentation:

• Set the stage
• Provide context
• Lead with the answer
• Let the titles tell the story
• Break your arguments down
• Create slides that support the title
That's how you make complex topics easy to digest.

Let's put this thread's core ideas to the test:

• Started with context & the answer
• The first line of each Tweet tells the overall story
• The rest of each Tweet explains & supports the title

Check to see if I passed!
Thanks for reading!

If you found this valuable, join my mission to bring effective project management to tech SMBs.

Follow me @polak_jasper as I share the tactics, soft skills & frameworks you need.

Want to make my day? Retweet the 1st tweet. 🙏
Let’s put the concept to the test!

Do the titles tell the story?

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