The MOST overlooked skill in data science...

And it could get you a $20,000 promotion.

Here's how. 🧵

#datascience #stats #rstats

Text analysis is a treasure trove of predictive information.

Yet 90% of companies don’t know how to use it.

They are overlooking one of the most powerful and predictive sources of information…
In fact, text analysis is part of the strategy that I used to help double my business in 2022...

While companies like Facebook (Meta) lost 70% of their value.

My company went from $0.9M/year to $2,000,000 per year.

Using text analysis was a key piece.
So imagine how valuable you could become to your company if you doubled the part of the business you touch...

In less than 12 months.

They'd be more than happy to give you a $20,000 raise...

You just made them $1M. (or more)
But you need to learn Text Analysis so you can improve model performance...

Which leads to:

1. a better understanding of customers

2. a better understanding of products

3. better lead scoring

4. better marketing

5. $1,000,000+ ROI
Learning text analysis is full of pitfalls...

Yeah, there's a ton of text data available.

But which do you use?
The mistake every data scientist makes is trying to use every source of data...

And they always go for unstructured text first.

Big mistake.
The structured data is actually EASIER and MORE VALUABLE.

So start there.
Now you're probably thinking, great idea! But how?

How 'bout I show you...
I'd like to help you learn Text Analysis for free.

I put together a FREE workshop where I'll uncover how I do text analysis.

Here's what you learn:
1. How to work with text data

Learn how to tokenize structured and unstructured text so you can make it useful for solving business problems
2. My simple technique for automating text data mining

It's 1/10th of the code versus how the way I'm seeing others do it
3. How to improve your model performance with text data

Get the insider's secret to model performance increase + make your company more profitable
4. Get ideas for your future job portfolio

Expand your data science tool chest with Text Analysis
What's Your Next Step?

My Text Analysis Workshop is completely free.

All you need to do is register & show up.

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