If you use it right, your Twitter account is worth more than your degree.

But 98.8% suck at it.

Here are 9 unique ways to turn Twitter into a crazy valuable asset:

Highly Curate Your Following

99% of users follow real-time news on Twitter.

That's okay. But you won't make Twitter an asset then.

To make it an asset, build a high-signal information diet.

You'll see it as a whole new opportunity.

Let me show you...
Use Twitter Lists

I find way too much news, drama and irrelevant ideas on the Twitter timeline.

I use Twitter lists to cut the noise and amplify the signal.

Bonus: Lists aren't affected by the algorithm.

Here's a video to get started on Lists:
Use Advanced Search

Scrape the internet to find what you want:

"(from:aaditsh) min_faves:1000 marketing"

Tweets with "marketing" from @aaditsh with more than 1000 likes.

Another favorite:

"(from:aaditsh) until:2021-09-01 since:2021-05-01"

Between May and September.
Mute Trolls

Trust me. They're not worth your time.

Click on a profile that annoys you.

Click "more" → "mute profile".

You won't "block" them but their content will become hidden on your timeline.

It's so peaceful.
Polish Your Bio

It's a 1 line identity on the internet.

Make it crisp.

Mine: "I deconstruct world-class growth philosophies & mental models"

People now expect related content.

They like to see when you meet expectations (and go beyond).
Integrate Your Revue Newsletter

Use your newsletter to write more in-depth content.

That's what I do at mine.

I have seen 2x subscribers arriving at my newsletter.

Seriously - this is a game-changer.
Write Twitter Threads

Deconstruct complex topics into simple actionable tips for others.

This act (itself) will turn your followers into "superfans".

High-affinity audience = Valuable asset.
Network like you were born to.

You've heard this a million times.

If not, I'll say it again: You can literally reach anyone via Twitter DMs.

Think Gary Vee, Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss (omg, this is crazy).

Don't shy away. Grow your network:
Install Minimal Twitter:

I hate the "explore" section on Twitter. It's usually filled with news and garbage found in my location.

I use the "Minimal Twitter" chrome extension to remove Explore.

My entire Twitter experience has become 10x better.
Share this thread with others:

1. Quote retweet the first tweet & let me know your thoughts.

2. Turn on notifications for @aaditsh — it's free!

I write a lot about how to leverage Twitter to impact more people positively.

1. Heavily curate who you follow.

2. Use Twitter Lists (video tutorial included).

3. Use advanced search to scavenge Twitter.

4. Mute trolls (simple as that).

5. How to polish your bio.
6. Double your daily newsletter subscribers (2x).

7. Turn followers into "super fans".

8. Network like you were born to.

9. Make your Twitter distraction-free.
Level up your content game:

3 week cohort based course with @brandonthezhang

• Supercharge your Twitter.
• Write for the internet.
• Network like you were made for it.
• Build your content flywheel.

To help others make Twitter an asset:

1. Quote tweet the thread below.

2. Share your thoughts. https://t.co/LoQOw1CqUb

More from Aadit Sheth

A Marketing degree costs $80k.

But, Twitter University teaches better for free.

🧵 Here are 10 threads from 10 world-class marketers:

What you learn: Effective marketing patterns.

From: @Julian, Founder at Demand

What you learn: Tactics to get lucky with marketing.

From: @gregisenberg, CEO at Late

What you learn: Great copywriting.

From: @heykahn, VP Marketing at

What you learn: How to build landing pages that convert.

From: @heyblake, Chief Marketing Office at

More from Learning

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