[thread] an intro from

August 13th 1949 Miss M. Roberts

"Once they saw a Conservative Government in power they and all Young Conservatives up and down the country would be able to say with Keats. “Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven.”"

More from ScottishPanda

Why there was even talk of starving the Irish

But that's ok

Priti only meant it unintentionally

And she was frustrated when she said it

So that's

It's not like the UK talked of invading Spain or Calais

Or was busy trying to incite Irexit, Itexit or the AfD or so other discord in the EU

After all that 50 pence piece

Talks of friendship

So surely we were good friends?

Those liars who had nothing

And knew they had nothing

Well they passed their withdrawal agreement

Knowing they never had any intention of honouring

Oh yes and a reminder

How many Tory MPs are unashamed they passed legislation without forming an opinion on it

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