Clock ticking. 2 years until Republicans can take back both houses of Congress. The most important branch of government is not Congress or the presidency. It's the judiciary for they have life appointment. Mitch McConnell understood this

which is why he snatched that Supreme Court appointment from Obama & used Trump to pack the courts w/conservatives. Now Biden & Democrats must respond in kind & make good on a threat FDR made decades ago. PACK THE SUPREME COURT NOW while you have the chance. I say go to 19-
justices & then start term limits of 8 years after all 19 die. No 1 deserves a life appointment for anything. There is no accountability for people w/life appointments. They can do whateva the fuck they want & there is nothing U can do about it. Notice I said after all 19 die.
This would guarantee Biden is able 2 make a serious stamp on the country's future & possible make a complete judiciary break from white supremacy or the judiciary coddling of white supremacy. Never 4get Obama appointed judges who acquitted or let off cops who killed black people.
Congressmen 2 yrs, Presidents 4yrs, Senators 6 yrs & Supreme Court Justices 8 yrs would be a better formula for good government. Supreme Court justices & other federal judges are the true royalty in this country as they serve for life & the ability to remove them by impeachment-
damn near takes an act of God. Pack the court, give them term limits & stop appointing all these damn people from the Ivy League & elite law firms. In fact stop appointing just lawyers & judges. There is no Constitutional requirement that a Supr. Ct. Justice be a lawyer or judge.
The founding fathers did this intentionally. I would much rather have a school teacher, a plumber (not Joe the plumber though), a fireman, a Sunday School teacher or an assembly line worker who understands right, wrong & basic human rights than some legal careerist who lives in-
a cocoon of wealth & privilege & know nothing about life outside of the legal profession. Republicans are right on this charge: Dems have become an elite club that is as far detached from the common man/woman as many conservatives. The charge sticks b/c of the elite-
clubby nature of the Democratic party & Ivy League impact on this nation. U would be hard pressed 2 find a government agency not inundated w/Ivy League graduates. This shit is insane. These people control damn near everything in this country & they reinforce their club mentality.
Presidents stop appointing civil rights lawyers long ago & orgs like the American Bar Association, which is inundated by Ivy Leaguers, routinely evaluates would be black judges as "not qualified." Remove them from influence. We need people at the top of the halls of power-
who actually give a damn about all of America's citizenry. The fact that all of the Supreme Court justices, like most of federal judges & partners in elite law firms, went 2 a handful of elite law schools is nonsensical & contrary to democracy. These people's decisions rule over-
all of us & this is flat out undemocratic. As an Ivy League & black IvyLeague alumnus I can tell U 1sthand that the people at these institutions, black&white, are NOT representative of American & the fact that this elite group lords its power& influence over 330 million people,
is maddening. To be clear, this is not to insinuate that all Ivy Leaguers think alike, but most of them THINK THE SAME. I need you to get that wordplay because that is what you're seeing in government. The Ivy League or finishing schools as some call them, are where the elite-
engage in homosocial reproduction. They reproduce THEIR VALUES to be reinforced across the globe & for black people, the Ivy League, the so-called black Ivy League (Howard, Morehouse, Spelman) & many other HBCUs are where black people go to be programmed & prepared to go out &
serve white people. Sad but true. Even at my undergad alma mater, Morris Brown, when we were interviewing 4 internships, the career svcs office would instruct us 2 cut our locks or braids, be clean cut, remove earrings & every other "black thing" 2 put white interviewers at ease.
At Howard Univ. we were given etiquette lessons, golf outings & in the 3rd year of law school U would see all the black students cut their locks & braids & the women would straighten their hair when going on interviews with elite white law firms. It takes a lot of black energy to
make white folk comfortable. I remember the students becoming upset at Howard's president for offering George Bush an honorary degree. I found this both hypocritical & naïve of these students to not comprehend that their existence was a function of white guilt & the minute-
good white folk got tired of them, they could be shut down at random. Think HBCU South Carolina State Univ. who was almost shut down a few years ago by white state legislators until the Oracle of Clyburnia made an emergency visit 2 the state capitol to beg the good white folks-
to stand down. I've always said the only different between a black Ivy League institution like my alma mater Howard Univ. & my undergraduate alma mater Morris Brown College is a federal appropriation. Every president of Howard is hired to make sure one thing does not happen:
that Howard does not lose its federal appropriation. That means Howard University presidents must kiss the ass & suck the dick of whatever political party is in power. Hence, Howard offering George Bush an honorary degree. Now to help you understand how brutal it would be for-
Howard to lose it's federal appropriation, consider that at that time, Howard President H. Patrick Swygert raised the most money in Howard's history, but even w/all the money raised over his entire 13 yr. career, it would not be enough to run Howard for 3 months. Real talk.
That's how tenuous Howard University's existence is as the only HBCU that receive a federal appropriation. This is a powerful metaphor for how tenuous the lives are for all black people on American soil. Most of "Us" are 1 pay check away from homelessness. So is Howard. The only
diff is their paycheck comes byway of a federal appropriation. If Howard ever lost that appropriation, HU would become MorrisBrown overnight: a financially strapped school who lost its accreditation, had its campus foreclosed on, is on life support & is a shell of its former self
Nevertheless that's another post. 4 purposes here, I only wanted 2 highlight what Biden&Dems need 2 do as these next 2 yrs are going 2 fly by & the window 4 putting this country on the right path is fast closing. Dems would do good 2 not make the same mistakes Obama did.
Hire people FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE (not just the Ivy League), kill the filibuster, print money 24/7, expand welfare&foodstamps&medicare, wipe away student loan debt, increase tariffs for Co.'s that offshore American jobs & pack the Supr. Ct & do all this


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