I need U 2 get just how horrible this is. Incoming black DA in Wakanda, I meant Atlanta, just voluntarily turned over 2 a white Repub AG, the Rashard Brooks case, a black man who was gunned down by a white cop in a Wendy's drive thru.

She also turned over another case involving excessive force of 2 black college students to the white Republican AG as well. Her reasoning is that the previous black DA behaved unethically. Here's the thing. She actually prosecuted the white cop that killed Rashard Brooks years-
ago in an excessive case force 4 which she dropped the charges then. How in the fuck do Wakandans, I meant Atlantans, elect some1 with this history? Here's the bigger picture. Her predecessor was no better. He actually prosecuted black teachers in the ATL Public Schools cheating-
scandal. Wonderful right? If you a dumb mafucka that answered yes, unfollow me now & never utter my name again. For all others, here is a good lesson in politics & why I have no hope of black people ever moving the needle one inch against white supremacy.
Let's say for arguments sake the teachers were cheating. Let's say black Atlanta officials are corrupt. Lets say Atlanta Airport officials are corrupt. If you are Atlanta's DA, do you prosecute them? Before I answer that question, riddle me this, do you think white people would-
ever prosecute white people if that meant black people would take over power? Read that question back as many times as you need to get what I am saying. Some years ago, the white dominated Georgia legislature made a bee line move to take the Atlanta Airport out of control of the-
City of Atlanta. Shortly after that, the white dominated AdvancED agency started snatching accreditation of black run school districts in the ATL metro area. Shortly after that, several wealthy white enclaves started trying 2 break away from Atlanta & start their own cities
Right now, even as I'm typing this, the wealthiest part of ATL, predominantly white Buckhead(huge taxbase), is attempting 2 break away from Wakanda, I meant Atlanta. Do U see what's happening? White people are attempting 2 take back the capitol of Georgia & the dumb niggas in
office don't even see it. What's worse, black elected officials have aided & abetted the white takeover of Wakanda, I meant Atlanta. How so? It is under black leadership that homeless shelters & housing projects were shut down & gentrification policies were put in motion.
It was civil rights hero, former mayor & UN ambassador Andy Young who, in his quest to internationalize Atlanta & secure the 1996 Olympics, spearheaded & unleashed some of the most gentrifying forces that pushed black people out of Wakanda, I meant Atlanta.
Now it's coming back to bite Atlanta's black elected officials as there is a consequence for making a so-called black city more hospitable to white people than the black people who gave you your political power. And that is a loss of political power. Mark my words, Wakanda,
I meant Atlanta, will have a white mayor soon. I predicted as much for Detroit, which has now come to past. This is what happens when you elect incompetence to public office. The DA like the Mayor like the city council like the school board don't realize that everything they do-
has an echo in the state legislature. There are a lot of white people statewide who do not like black folk controlling Georgia's capitol. Thus a DA prosecuting teachers, an accreditor taking a school system's accreditation, the state taking the airport, the soaring crime rate &
a host of other fucked up shit put in motion by inept black elected officials all serves to communicate this message: NIGGERS CAN'T RUN CITIES. And the only solution to niggers not being able to competently run cities is for us good white folk to take them over.
This is why you need leaders with foresight, to comprehend how their actions in present time affect the grand scheme of things & NOT just their simple ambitions or the long running beef they might have with a former employer, as is the case with Wakanda's current DA in her-
politically immature score settling duel w/the former DA. I dont give a shit if dat nigga denied U a promotion, passed U over or even if he sexually harassed you, ain't none of that childish bullshit big enough for U making it easy 4 white folks 2 come steal Wakanda's Vibranium.
You might in fact get your revenge against your predecessor, but at what cost? You just let white folks in the back door & black voters should remember this day when you're up for reelection. Again, I don't give a shit what happened between U & your predecessor.
We have crystal clear video showing a white cop gunning down a black father of 3 little black girls in a drive thru & U just guaranteed that cop's acquittal by turning that case over to a white republican who has been on record with his opposition against police prosecutions.
Not only that, U didn't even have the decency 2 communicate this 2 the black family of Rashard Brooks or his family's attorneys. Pathetic. U should be run out office & booed at every future Wakanda BBQ. If U wonder why I'm a racial fatalist, look no further than this bullshit.
We can't win. There will always be black people like Fani Willis who claim to be operating on some higher ethical or moral principle that WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT FOLLOWING BY. I could give a laundry list of other black elected officials doing the same thing.
Think black Judge Barry Williams allowing Baltimore's Freddy Gray's cop killers to walk free & then justify it by blaming the black DA Marilyn Mosby for not bringing a strong case. Think black Judge Latisha Dear Jackson who, even after white jurors strong armed black jurors into
acquitting white cop Robert Olsen of murdering black Air Force veteran Anthony Hill, only sentenced Olsen to a paltry 12 years after he was convicted on the lesser charges, which means he'll probably only do 5 yrs w/good behavior. Or what about black Judge Kimberly Esmond Adams-
sentencing a young black recent college graduate to 50 years for deaths resulting from a car ACCIDENT, but gave a racist white man who viciously beat down a black woman food delivery driver TIME SERVED (a few months)? And don't forget black Judge Tammy Kemp gifting a bible &
hugging white cop Amber Guyger in open court after giving her a light sentence for killing Botham Jean in his own home & the black bailiff rubbing her fingers through Guyger's hair. Maddening. Or what about black Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron who threw the case against the white-
officers who murdered Breonna Taylor? Or what about black judge Lawrence Hill who, despite overwhelming evidence, dismissed hate crimes charges against white male Sean Urbanski who viciously stabbed & murdered recently graduated & commissioned black officer Richard Collins? cont-
Or what about then AG Kamala Harris refusing to prosecute the white police officers responsible for black woman Mitrice Richardson? Or what about then AG Kamala Harris opposing DNA evidence of innocent black man on death row Kevin Cooper? Or what about Kamala Harris EVERYTHING?
Tell me when to stop. I can go on and on and on. The dereliction in black elected leadership runs from the bottom to the top & this collective incompetence has acted as a bulwark against black collective advancement & rendered the idea of black politics as salvation a mute point.
Oh & don't get me started on how Obama's DOJ didn't prosecute a single white cop for gunning down unarmed black citizens. Real talk. In fact, Obama appointed white judges that actually acquitted white cops of killing black people. All this from the man who ran on "hope & change."
Now be honest black people: do you feel any safer under black elected leadership than U do under white elected leadership? If you answered yes, U might as well say U prefer to be killed by black people than white people This shit is beyond maddening & the more I think about it,
James Baldwin's commentary on being a conscious black person requires persistent black "rage" is a signpost to how often a black face is put on white supremacy. All this means we have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Either we are killed by white people or there are blacks-
in positions that either acquit them or soften any blow against them. Now, I show you how to deal with these type Negroes in my future film "Tomchaser." I won't give too much away here, but I will say Killmonger ain't got shit on what I'm going to do to these niggas on film.
And trust me, the screenplay is so detailed & meticulous as to contain extremely personal information that took years of research to obtain such that when these people see this movie, they will know exactly who I'm talking about. They will be forced to reconsider their mortality-
going forward when they choose to operate in a manner that's injurious to black people writ large. Let's just say my cinematic work will be very educational & help people see the light of possibilities of what their life could become if they don't do right by black people.
Its high time we had our own "Inglorious Bastards" that showcases what competent black cinematic revenge looks like. Nevertheless my work is not rooted in the current reality we live under, but designed 2 get people thinking about why we have not been able 2 COLLECTIVELY progress
As a fatalist, I dont expect 2 move the needle much, but I do expect to lay the foundation & plant the seeds to what black liberation might look like in the future & my film "Tomchaser" will demonstrate that our future cannot be secured w/o 1st dealing w/the enemies amongst "Us."

More from Dr. Alexander Hamilton | Alter Ego: AHAM

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Following @BAUDEGS I have experienced hateful and propagandist tweets time after time. I have been shocked that an academic community would be so reckless with their publications. So I did some research.
The question is:
Is this an official account for Bahcesehir Uni (Bau)?

Bahcesehir Uni, BAU has an official website
https://t.co/ztzX6uj34V which links to their social media, leading to their Twitter account @Bahcesehir

BAU’s official Twitter account

BAU has many departments, which all have separate accounts. Nowhere among them did I find @BAUDEGS
@BAUOrganization @ApplyBAU @adayBAU @BAUAlumniCenter @bahcesehirfbe @baufens @CyprusBau @bauiisbf @bauglobal @bahcesehirebe @BAUintBatumi @BAUiletisim @BAUSaglik @bauebf @TIPBAU

Nowhere among them was @BAUDEGS to find