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Here are a few new AI UI Design tools, that will flip the industry upside down.


1. 🔅 Introducing Genius, your AI design companion in
@figma by @diagram

It understands what you’re designing and makes suggestions that autocomplete your design using components from your design system.

Genius is coming soon. Join the waitlist →

2. Generative AI takes a big step and comes to user interface design!

@Galileo_AI by @helnzhou & @arnaudai

Early access: https://t.co/GbAkBhLVE6

3. The secret is out 👀

Generate a multi-screen UI design from a single prompt with @uizard Autodesigner.

Want to be the first to try Uizard's new, groundbreaking technology? Head to https://t.co/Ek5YWjXhfM to sign up for exclusive access.

✨ coming soon ✨