1️⃣ How the Yemeni Civil War (2014–present) is portrayed in the main stream media

2️⃣ This one is a little different, it hits close to home in many different ways, the Yemeni Civil War is a unique phenomenon in moder warfare, the majority of people don't even know what's really going on and who's fighting who.
3️⃣ The combatants :
Iranian backed Supreme Political Council (Houthis)
  International recognized Government (Hadi-led government)
  South Yemen Nationalists Southern Transitional Council
4️⃣ The (allegedly Turkish and Qatari backed) Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Yemen Province (ISIL-YP)
 The (allegedly Iranian and Qatari backed) Ansar al-Sharia and Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
5️⃣The so called Supreme political council of Yemen is a Mish mash of bad guys and misfits, Iran supplies the Houthis with arms, drones and ballistic missiles, Hezbollah delivers these arms through shell corporations and Hezbollah operators man the missiles
6️⃣ A UN report said North Korea cooperating militarily with Syria and has been trying to sell weapons to Yemen’s Houthis
7️⃣ On the other hand Al-Qaeda & Ansar al-Sharia terrorist groups that have been in war with Saudi Arabia since the mid 90s with support from Iran and Qatar also known as AlQaida of the Arabian Peninsula are portrayed as Saudi and Emarati allies by MSM
8️⃣ The Cabinet of Yemen refers to the governing body of the internationally recognized Yemen government led by President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi who replaced Ali Abdullah Saleh on February 25, 2012 as the new President. He then selected new cabinet members of the Yemeni Government.
9️⃣ The Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen is an intervention launched by Saudi Arabia on 26 March 2015, leading a coalition of nine countries from West Asia and North Africa, in response to calls from the legitimate president of Yemen Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi
🔟 President Hadi called for military support after he was ousted by the Houthi movement , and fled to Saudi Arabia.
1️⃣1️⃣ The narrative of the coverage :
Civil wars have plagued the nation for years. In 2011, when the so called Arab Spring shook the Arabian world , Yemenis protested for "democracy" .
That's what the main stream media told you, right? Well the truth is a bit more complicated
1️⃣2️⃣ The "protestors" successfully toppled the government of Ali Abdullah Saleh, who had ruled the country for 33 years. He was forced to hand over power to his deputy, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.
1️⃣3️⃣ Under Hadi, who ran uncontested in 2012, reforms were slow and corruption and food insecurity were not going away as fast as expected , The Houthis rebels, used that to gain greater political representation, when they failed to do so politically they resorted to violence.
1️⃣4️⃣ In 2014, they aligned with Saleh and took control of the capital city of Sanaa.
Hadi fled to Saudi Arabia in early 2015. A fight for power between tribal and government factions within Yemen escalated in March of that year & became threatening to the security of the region
1️⃣5️⃣ The continued failures to resolve the conflict peacefully forced the hand of Saudi Arabia and other Arab states that ended up intervening with air strikes to fight the military campaign of Iran-Backed Houthis that swallowed most of the country .
Part 1 end, part 2 later on tonight

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