Top 100 carp facts:

100) the largest Japanese carp on record was seven meters long and weighed 900 kg
99) in 2001, six Finnish schoolboys launched a live carp 510 meters from a homemade trebuchet. This record still stands as the longest fish launch from the siege weapon

@HolicShot 98) technically speaking, carp are semiconductors
97) Abe Vigoda owned a pet carp named Sandy. The fish was released into the Hudson the day Mr. Vigoda passed away
96) The carp is considered sacred by at least four Shinto sects
95) Most people consider carp inedible
@HolicShot 94) anyone who considers carp inedible has insufficient fortitude and may as well go to a cave and eat pond worms
93) Carp can fit inside other, much larger fish, as they are fish shaped
92) The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, sadly, featured no carp-related episodes
91) Sir Ian Carp was a minor lord in the estates general from 1610 to 1655. He died of polio
90) The budding trend of "carp rock" enjoyed brief popularity in March of 1981
89) You cannot take photographs of the carp in the Forbidden Palace
88) Carp was only introduced to northern Italy in 1967 by Giuseppe Almacortez, a cocaine smuggler who, as you might expect, filled the fish carcasses with his blow
87) The mountain carp can survive at altitudes below 2000 meters, but it won't grow longer than 28 cm
86) In Tokugawa-era paintings, the carp represented the Shogun's penis
85) Some freshwater carp species have been found in the deep ocean. No one can explain this
84) carp are notoriously flatulent
83) Carp are slow typists, averaging 9 wpm
82) carp are ineligible for federal student aid as of the posting of this tweet
81) carp bones make for suitable sewing needles
80) carp bones make for suitable fishing hooks
79) it is tragic to catch a carp with the bones of his brother
78) gay carp exist, though most humans can't tell the difference
77) carp are often attended by tiny cleaner fish, colloquially known as carp cleaners. These cleaner fish sometimes clean other kinds of fish
76) carp and storks are mortal enemies
75) carp can instantly brighten even the most glum of apple orchards
74) carp produce more than ten times the number of osteoclasts by body mass compared to humans
73) carp can jump between brood ponds
72) El Diablo, the largest fish in Argentina, is a carp
71) carp are fond of MMA
70) the most successful carp podcast is called carptalk, hosted by Doug Worm
69) carp have been known to orally stimulate each others' cloaca during spawning
68) everyone reading this list expected the previous carp fact, or one like it
67) Carp were nearly introduced to Minecraft, but developers were worried that players would ragequit
66) The Thai national anthems mentions the king's carp, a fish supposedly over 1000 years old
65) Vietnamese rice paddies often contain carp, who eat rice beetles
64) On the back of the World Turtle as described by Terry Pratchett's Discworld, an eternal ocean spills into the void. Billions of carp per second drift into orbit around this turtle
63) Carp are almost always stoned as hell
62) If you save your game in Vermillion City one tile below the truck, and then hard kill the game by pulling the batteries out, you will restart in Karp Kave. This was cut in the US release of R/B for liability reasons
61) carpskin kites fly poorly
60) the 1991 carp embargo devastated the economy of Nagurato, a small village on the island of Hokkaido
59) Carp can be used in traditional poi, but only if the normal ingredients cannot be found
58) carp can regenerate their mitochondria
57) the rock carp is mutiliagenous
56) One time, Black Francis encountered a Sea Carp while snorkeling in Barbados. He wrote a song about it
55) Most people agree that the most beautiful carp is the Dipshit Carp, named by some ugly oceanographer that no one liked
54) the common goldfish is a variety of carp
53) elephants and carp seldom meet but it is to conspire against the publick for their own benefit
52) the primary diet of carp is food pellets
51) koi are carp at Pride
50) Huey Lewis bought a carp after the success of Back to the Future. He named it Marty. It still swims in a quite nice pond in his backyard in Riverside
49) Carp only speak when they choose to
48) it is not wise to anger a talking carp
47) carp are the 17th most popular fish on Instagram
46) The Japanese word for carp is 鯉 which is where we get the word koi
45) some carp have sonar domes
44) there are no carp on Mars. Yet.
43) a carp, being a fish, has no need for a bicycle, according to some broad
42) there is a skinny carp species that can fit through a soda can lid
41) the Mirage Carp can produce thousands of images of itself at will
40) during the infamous leech scene in Stand By Me, Wil Wheaton demanded no carp be present on set. He denies this even today.
39) Take This Carp And Shove It was rewritten to be about an unpleasant job rather than Johnny Paycheck's surly pet carp on the advice of his manager/agent
38) ACAB: all carps are bastards
37) Tony Hopkins was mimicking a carp with that chianti shit
36) Nancy Pelosi is a carp
35) If you paint a carp using watercolors, it will just wash off pretty much right away
34) Carp facts are brought to you by Ridge Wallets and Raid: Shadow Legends
33) The mustaches that some carp have are called barbels
32) In Kindergarten Cop, Penelope Ann Miller kept a souvenir carp in her trailer that one of the kids gave her. Those kids are all now over 30 years old.
31) Middle aged carp just sort of swim around. Carp do not understand the midlife crisis
30) The Subterranean Carp is a species that lives, as its name suggests, underground.
29) albinism is common in cultivated carp, but rare in the wild
28) carp and pythons cannot successfully breed with each other, despite what you might believe
27) Jim is not a popular carp name, surprisingly
26) carp can recognize the presence of rotten shrimp by the smell
25) a hungry carp will eat until it is full
24) a male carp is called a hickle
23) a female carp is just called a female carp, unless you're Scottish
22) When the TVA flooded all those valleys, they needed to stock the new lakes with endopredators. The carp they used have speciated, and now form 16 entirely new clades.
21) carp are often weebs; they like anime tiddy
20) juvenile hickles is jerks
19) the clown of the carp world is the Jester Carp. It has bulging red eyes and oversized pectoral fins
18) Carp would do anything for love, but it won't do that
17) If you agree to marry the golden carp, you will inherit the southern kingdom
16) for the humble carp, this is just another year, no different from all the others
15) for the boastful carp, this is the greatest year it's had. Look at its portfolio.
14) Carp adore Christian Slater the way the Germans used to adore Hasselhoff
13) Most carp are grateful for even a modicum of attention
12) French carp have little berets and thin, waxed mustaches
11) Carp breathe the same water they fard and shid in
10) carp fard and shid all the time they're like machines in that regard
9) the most famous American carp is known as Kentucky Joe and he lives in Ocala, FL
8) When carp laugh, it looks like bubbles to humans
7) carp are in the bivalve cluster
6) Transuranic Carp are radioactive
5) John Carpenter has never made a carp movie; strange
4) to carp is to swim
3) "carping" is a fancy way of saying "fucking around" like Joe Pesci did in Goodfellas
2) If you give the carp his carpgeld, you will never be rid of the carp
1) Carp is Latin for carp
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