Want to achieve more?

Here’s a trick.

Stop focusing so much on your goals.

Do this instead 👇

It’s fun to talk about goals.

We like to dream big and think about what life will be like when we achieve a significant change.

(Guilty of this myself)

But too much focus on our goals can actually do more harm than good.
Here’s the thing.

Goals are all about what we *might* achieve *some day*.

And as much as we like to believe that we’ll get to the finish line…

Every day we don’t, the more likely we are to lose faith…

To give up.

So what do we do?

Enter systems.
//Systems Focus//

High achievers have a dirty little secret…

They don’t care about goals as much as you think.

Sure they have them.

But once they’re defined, they sort of tuck ‘em away.

What do they do instead? Focus 99% of their energy on systems.

Here’s why…
//Rewards & Momentum//

It’s all about momentum.

Consider this…

With a goal: you only get one reward —and it’s probably far away.

With systems: you’re rewarded on a daily basis —every time you execute it.

We need these rewards.

With every little win, our momentum grows.
In other words…

With a goal mindset, our momentum slows down over time.

With a systems mindset, it accelerates.


Which one do you think is more likely to lead to success?
//Lead & Lag Measures//

Okay, you’re sold on systems…now what?

Well, to build an effective system you need to understand lead and lag measures.

Put simply:

Lag measures represent the end goal while lead measures are the actions that get you there.
Lag Measure: achieve $10k in MRR
Lead Measure: call 5 prospects per day

If executed consistently, the latter will likely LEAD to the former.

Got it? Okay.

Let’s create a system.
5 steps to design the perfect systems to support your goals:

1 - Target Lead Measures
2 - Rank & Prioritize
3 - Organize
4 - Routinize
5 - Metrics & Measurement

Step 1 - Identify Lead Measures

Start by brainstorming a list of possible lead measures.

Ask yourself: “What are all the things I might do to achieve my goal?”

Brain dump
Ask friends
Think out of the box

Do not restrict yourself, anything is on the table here.
Step 2 - Rank & Prioritize

Out of that list, what 20% of tasks are the highest impact?

Score each task 1-5:

- How likely is this to work?
- How much effort is required?
- How big of an impact might it have?

Don’t be too scientific about it, go with your gut and move on.
Step 3 - Organize

First, identify any standalone habits and set those aside.

For example, one lead measure might be:

“Watch 2 educational YouTube videos on the topic per day.”

(We’ll address habits shortly)
Next, look at what’s left and start organizing.

Some tasks will naturally make sense together. Group them. Turn them into micro-systems.

Other tasks will need to be built out a bit.

Start filling in the blanks.

More micro-systems.
Step 4 - Routinize

Time to make things actionable.

For each system, note:

Frequency: How often you’ll do it.
Duration: How long you’ll spend on it.
Priority: In what order you’ll tackle it.

Don’t skip this step, this is what makes it real and brings them to life.
Step 5 - Define Metrics

Finally, decide how you’ll determine success.

What metrics make sense to track?

What will qualify as a success? How about a failure?

Deciding in advance will make it easier for you to pull the plug or double down when the time comes.
No matter how you cut it, success is hard.

We have to do things we don’t want to do.

But there are ways to make it easier.

It doesn’t have to be all willpower or grit.

By embracing systems we can make momentum work FOR us rather than against us.

✅Goals lack a reward mechanism.
✅Systems give us small wins as we go.
✅More we execute, more we win.
✅This creates momentum.
✅Momentum trumps willpower.
✅And hurts a lot less.
✅And creates endurance.
✅Build systems, achieve more.

Embrace systems.
Working alone is hard.

For tweets on productivity & achievement frameworks for freelancers, indiehackers, and soloprenuers, follow me: @shane___martin
If you learned anything interesting from this thread, a retweet would be greatly appreciated!

Linked it up below👇

Thanks for reading https://t.co/I9LIlNqtzJ

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