This is going to be a big thread about climate change, energy, and @TheExpanseWR. Literal representation, analogues, creative decisions in general - I want to talk about it all! Will post my own thoughts, other ppl's tweets, etc.

It's been in the show from day one. The opening titles of season show

- Icebergs breaking free
- The statue of liberty's little island being built up after it's coated in water
- S4,5 sea level rise in Chesapeake bay
It's in the show too. "The gulf of Denmark". Old Boston turned into the square tops of buildings barely visible. Sea walls lock out the ocean. The show is set in 2350: climate change is driving people off Earth.
Some Redditor actually found a rough comparison angle to compare the CGI future Copenhagen to the real one - I've actually walked down this bit to get the Australian consulate
Episode 2 of Season 5 has plenty of rich detail, now there are longer scenes on Earth. Baltimore is a post-climate city: a sea higher than the city itself, widespread apartment solar. Interestingly: not a single car; but a heavy, prominent (electric?) train, cycles, walking.
What are these panels mounted on.......and what aren't they angled!!
The total absence of cars of any kind in this show is really, really jarring once you start to notice is. Roads are walkways; public transport is dominant. It's not presented as some sort of ideal either, it's just sort of the way it is in a crumbling city
It changes the shape of the sea, too. It's never really just 'flat', it's filled with the gravestones of pre-climate Baltimore, hiding the skeletons underneath. It's really quite well done (you should be watching this show, btw, if you aren't already).
Of course, another Redditor did this analysis - teasing apart a single shot in the opening scene to see how the show's VFX team had changed America in the future, due to sea level rise. Florida mostly either wiped out or has become islands:
Climate change simply re-drawing the maps of humanity keeps turning up in the show. It's never dwelled, on characters never stand in a single spot explaining in painful detail what happened (hello Star Trek Discovery). It's just....there.
Will continue this later but for now please read @themadstone on this, she's truly the authority

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