Saturn in Aquarius-Thread

Saturn will be in Aquarius until March 7, 2023.
Saturn is now in a diurnal, air, fixed domicile.
Aquarius is associated with the myth of Ganymede, the youthful cup-bearer of the Gods. This is a nuanced form of servitude; to hold that which is true

and unattainable by humanity in your cup, but to hold a juvenescence that is coveted by our lords of time.
This tension of above and below, in a diurnal sign, is far from figurative language. This dimensionality, the divide of space and time, is preferred by the essential and
inherent beingness of Saturn. This is, indeed, the geometry of time. For as where Saturn in Capricorn holds the intimacy of placing one’s feet on the ground strategically; Saturn in an air sign holds the intelligence of negative space, of borderlands, of crossing between reality
I turn to a Japanese concept of “Ma” when I think of Saturnian mastery in Aquarius, “The existence of ma in an artwork has been interpreted as "an emptiness full of possibilities, like a promise yet to be fulfilled",
and has been described as "the silence between the notes which make the music"
Saturn in Aquarius themes can sometimes be perceived as contrarianism, as to hold this cup, this cup of possibility, with justice, requires denying what has already attempted to be fulfilled. This transit will bring to bear a deeper understanding of what truths must be denied to
cross that in-between path; what beliefs were previously manifested materially (institutionally, foundationally) that aren’t of the essence of that which could be deemed enviable of the gods themselves?
It is the time for forward-thinking mechanisms from the depths of these negative spaces.

What does this mean for humanity? This has deep implications for our problems with consciousness and its relationship to truth. Much of western thought,
centered on humanism, regards the world with human-ness at its center; how do humans project their agency or dominion over the world around us? This results in systematically imparting rule; government, patriarchy, etc.
I look to Heidegger on ‘Aletheia’ as unconcealment; Aletheia, often translated as “truth,” from Greek notions of “uncovering,” or “disclosure.” Heidegger turned against humanism later in his philosophical career, finding that this anthropocentrism was a mistake within
Western concepts of ontology. This is a rejection of the idea that truth reveals itself because I am human and exist to uncover it; it is that, instead, the essence of what is actually true is revealed through my being. This difference is incredibly subtle, when articulated,
but in effect, truth is a prior i within our world; not something which arises because one exists to say it so. This is time, this is the essence of God, of Saturn.

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