First Thread: Before Trump

So my Ph D treaties on Twitter, about how Trump split up the GOP. We start with history of course. And we go to the political era before Trump. To the origins.

No. Not Sarah Palin.

No. Not Newt Gingrich. The origins:

George Wallace, the last racist

So reality check to my younger Tweeps, some who do not know this. Up to the 1960s, it was the DEMOCRATIC party that was the racist party and the Republicans stood for equal rights. Yes that is true.

The South had 'Dixie-crats' who were KKK Nazis, Democrats who were openly racist
The last Racist to openly run for President to win some (Southern) states - was former Democrat - turned Independent, George Wallace.

Democrats threw the racists out of their party and embraced the minorities, with a passion. Today it seems impossible to imagine DEMs as racists
George Wallace ran as an Independent (the American Independent Party, does that sound MAGA to you?)

When George Wallace's runs ended, the racists had no party to call their own. They infiltrated the Republican party who tolerated them. THAT WAS A MISTAKE
We need to understand the roots to Maganutters. George Wallace & Dixie-Crat / American Independent Party racists were mostly from the South. Land owners, whites. Gun-lovers. Fake Christians (churches were strongly segregated, so WHITE Christians in South easily racists)
The white racists had often direct lineage back to slave-owners. And broad support of KKK. Denying blacks and other minorities the right to vote. Lynch mobs etc.

This was George Wallace's voter base. Since Wallace, no politician DARED to appeal to the racists, until Trump
I do not mean all gun-lovers are racists
I do not mean all Southern Whites are racists
I do not mean all white Christians are racists
I do not mean all land-owners are racists.

BUT racists tend to be most of those things. They are sick slice of the population. GOP tolerated them
This racist wing would not vote for Obama, a black man. Note there ARE still rcists among Democrats too (only very few).

When RACISTS heard Trump question Obama's nationality (= Kenyan, the birtherism) they found their maga god
Most Republicans are not racist. The party's HISTORY was AGAINST slavery.

After Democrats threw racists out, the GOP accepted them in. This was a horrible mistake. The GOP tolerated the racists for decades, eroding their party
Most MAGANUTTERS are NOT racist

Let me repeat that

Most maganutters are NOT racist

But nearly all American racists are hard core Trump supporters. The deepest core, most loyal Trumpists among maganutters - are racists.

The GOP needs to deal with this now

More from Tomi Ahonen, Croupier at Pardon Roulette


This is an index Thread to let you find my 'Path' Threads. These six Paths are the main areas of criminal investigation that will take Donald Trump to prison for Life or more (each). I do regular updates to the Paths. This is the link to my August updates to each

Path 1 of 6 is the Weisselberg Path. This is about Donald Trump financial crimes from 2004 to 2021. Allen Weisselberg just pleaded guilty to 15 counts of tax fraud & grand larceny. It is only the first of his 9 criminal trials to

Path 2 of 6 is the Giuliani path of his crime spree 2019-2021. Rudy has been attempting to flip against Trump and get a plea bargain, after FBI raided his office, home and took his 18 phones. Rudy is not getting a

Path 3 of 6 is the Matt Gaetz path. This does not expect to catch Trump in rape or sex crimes. But Matt Gaetz's convicion as serial teen rapist (from 2020) will get to Trump crimes in selling Presidential Pardons

Path 5 of 6 is Tom Barrack path with Trump crimes 2016-2017. Tom ran a series of foreign policy crimes including the extortion of Qatar. Tom's criminal court case starts in September. He got superceding indictments incl

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