1/x -THREAD-


- a few days ago we tweeted that we will show you all the reason behind the military ops against the reds. While we at DDS Confessions condemn the crimes that the NPA have done over the years especially...

...their revolutionary tax model against SMEs in rural areas and exploitation of young adults, we look at the bigger picture and the current aggressive use of force by the govt.

- we will not tweet any infographic anymore because only a few men and women have the data...
...that we have obtained and releasing it to the public will put all our assets at risk who conducted this research. Hence, we will tell you the executive summary of our findings.
- the military has conducted dozens of military ops against the NPA since 2016 under the...
...pretense of curtailing the influence of "communism" in the country and "stopping terrorism." While this is partly true, half narratives do not mean the full truth.
- (All of you can do your own research at this point), with publicly available data and accessible news...
...online, all "publicly" known military ops against the NPA and classified data that we have obtained, occurred in rural areas where China is currently conducting mining operations and/or potential areas for mining expansions.
- the NPAs even with diminishing numbers over the years still occupy hectares of land in mountainous regions that are in the way for China's mining operations in the country. In layman's term, the government is conducting "clearing" operations against the NPA controlled...
...area to give way for China's mining expansion and local real estate development among other things. Skirmishes happen within an area where there is natural water resource. Military ops conducted against NPAs occur in areas where there is a large potential deposit of...
...copper, nickel, zinc, chromite, gypsum, and gold. Private Chinese mining companies need the NPA controlled area to be cleared before proceeding. The govt sells the narrative under the "anti-terrorism" pretext to the public and further popularized by DDS socmed influencers.
- While we believe that some of our fellow Mistahs fight for what we all believe is right and just for our country, the eradication of the rebels is not the ultimate end goal. It is to give way to land development and Chinese mining operations.
- The military ops against the NPA and the crackdown against leadership roles of legitimate peasant organizations will continue and the killings will not stop.
- to get you all started in your own research, look at the Kaliwa and Chico dam projects...
- that were successfully thwarted by the indigenous people during the time of Marcos but successfully funded by China via Php3.14B loan when Duterte took power. More at https://t.co/0YBuJ6eQ2Z, https://t.co/hyn0Wuyuuu
- https://t.co/4nG242NoIf

- Lastly, we apologize that we cannot show you infographics and data because it will compromise the safety of our colleagues in our field. We will expect massive reporting of our account in the next few minutes and largely will originate in China.
- if our account survives the waves of relentless mass report, well that's good. If not, we all had a good run then.
- Sa mga Mistahs, Kuyangs, at colleagues na tinaya ang buhay para mailabas namin ang tweet na ito, maraming salamat at alam ninyo kung sino-sino kayo.
Padayon mga kasama.

Tandaan ninyo ang famous words namin:

Your posts, not ours.
Your words, not ours.
Your thoughts, not ours.
We are DDS Confessions.


- END-
Teka 'di pa pala kami tapos. Sa mga DDS socmed influencers na hindi kami napatahamik dito, akala ba ninyo bubuhayin kayo ni Duterte. Tandaan ninyo, si Sinas na nakaupo, at walang magliligtas sa inyo kapag sumabit kayo sa mga tweets namin. Never kami na-identify, pero ang...
...failures ninyo,pagmumukha ninyo,& pangalan ninyo ay kilala namin at binalandra na namin. In the end,we at DDS Confessions can all sleep well every night PERO kayo,hindi ninyo alam kung kailan kayo papatayin ng gobyerno. Dispensable kayo DDS socmed influencers. We are not.


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