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Acts 13:17 MSG
God took a special interest in our ancestors, pulled our people who were beaten down in Egyptian exile to their feet, *and led them out of there in grand style.

👉🏼You may have been beaten down by the economic weather, with no chance of coming out strong.

👉🏼You may have been beaten down by circumstances and sicknesses, with no hope of coming out alive

*You were only down.*
But, you were not out.

*The Enemies rejoiced too quickly.*
*Micah 7:8a MSG*
Don't, enemy, crow over me. I'm down, but I'm not out.

👉🏼 *You are coming out in grand style* .

👉🏼You are rising up in grand style.

👉🏼The Lord will make it happen in grand style.
You are not coming out empty.

👉🏼You will come up with compensation.

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Time for a 🧵 to learn the above from @iManasArora

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Post that the plight of the

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Too many green days!

(1) Kushner is worth $324 million.
(2) Since 2016, Kushner has connived, with Saudi help, to force the Qataris (literally at a ship's gunpoint) to "loan" him $900 million.
(3) This is consistent with the Steele dossier.
(4) Kushner is unlikely to ever have to pay the "loan" back.

2/ So as you read about his tax practices, you should take from it that it's practices of this sort that ensure that he's able to extort money from foreign governments while Trump is POTUS without ever having to pay the money back. It also explains why he's in the Saudis' pocket.

3/ It's why the Saudis *say* he's in their pocket. It's why emoluments and federal bribery statutes matter. It's why Kushner was talking to the Saudi Crown Prince the day before the murdered Washington Post journalist was taken. It's why the Trump administration now does nothing.