3 simple steps to build a better future

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Moving on is hard. It's never easy!

As humans, we are biased on:

- feelings
- emotions
- conditions

Rebuild yourself with a learning MIND

If you're to build a better future:

- accept the past
- move forward
- build a life

The hell with conditions. Create!
1. Be consistent

Building is a straightforward process.

Confidence is in keep track of your progress. That's how people win!

All you need:

- a pen
- a notebook
- an open mind

Win in your mind. Win in your life.

Begin with the END in mind.
80% of life is showing up.

Every. Single. Day.

Even on days, you don't feel like it, showing up makes all difference.

70% of people who start a plan, quit.
Except YOU. Not. This. Time.

Giving up is a decision.

Consistency is a lifestyle!
2. Observe

Worrying is a formula for failure.

Instead, observe your thoughts:

- what are they?
- who is involved?
- where do they go?

Self-awareness is a superpower.

A powerful mind is:

• aware of its experiences
• change the way it thinks

Learn to observe & let go!
Things happen. We can't escape.

Rule #1:

Don't set goals for things you can't control. Focus on what matters.

The fastest way to fail:

- letting emotions dictate
- seeking others’ approval
- moving forward with an “old” mind

Begin with the END in mind!
3. Create

Familiarity is a WIN for your mind.

Once you know your thoughts, grab your notepad and write down.

Write down where you want in:

- in a month
- six months
- five years

Reverse the engineering by looking ourself in the next 5 years!

Take risk. Change your life.

1. Consistency = Stay focused to win
2. Observe = Change your lifestyle
3. Create = Define your success

Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses!

Think like a scientist. Practice critical thinking.

Start reading 100 Mental Models:

Thanks for reading.

Follow @MentorsQuotes1 for insights and daily motivation.

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