Look, I get the reasoning behind not calling witnesses. But what gets lost is that yet another rich white elected criminal got away with it. We've had decades of this (GWB lying re WMDs) & Ds have never stopped it. Never. They just sigh & ask for our votes. We want accountability

They've never rid of of the EC, no Healthcare 4all & any gains we've gotten (NRA going bust, BLM showing us inequality) has been citizen advocacy. And citizens SHOULD do that. But we want our Dem reps to accomplish big things, too. We've given them all three branches twice.
So it's a bit difficult to ask us to swallow this "as a win" when a criminal isn't held accountable by the very means he's supposed to be held accountable.

I understand the challenges, I do. But these same naysayers also wrote off Stacy Adams in GA, and look what she did.
Political calculation is important, sure. But it's not the ONLY important thing, either. Sometimes one has to fight to the bitter end over a thing that matters, even if you lose the fight. I don't see that happened here. And it's part of a pattern. If Ds didn't have this pattern-
Maybe I'd be more forgiving, but I'm not. People got away with torture, they got away with illegally selling arms, working with a hostile foreign nation, killing our citizens via negligence, and thus far NO accountability for any of that, and little hope some will come.
This has been the pattern since Reagan illegally sold arms and nothing was done about it. They named an airport after him and let the GOP paint him as a hero (he's not). GHWB, GWB, all the same. I get there are D wins in there, but there's a lot of crime held unaccountable.
They could have impeached Trump every other month while he was in office, he's that dirty. He stole refugee kids, FFS. He openly used his office for personal profit. I mean, holy shit. If impeachment doesn't work on him, why fucking bother, you know?

So it's not that I'm angry-
It's that I'm TIRED of Democrats not every holding the GOP accountable. They kick their own to the curb (often deservedly) but Cruz, Hawley, Graham try to kill them and THEY DO NOTHING about it but make hot speeches.

I want them to do more for justice.
Because there is no justice for the American people, not in our government. There isn't. Not for wealthy white males who can do anything they wish and suffer no consequences. What's the point of winning if you're going to squander it?

Fight for justice, or go home, man.
I would tell Joe the same damn thing, if he asked me. I know we need relief, I know people are hurting. Do you know why that is? I do.

Because the previous guy broke so many laws, neglected his job so much that half a million people died and where is he, now? A free man in FL.
Without justice, without accountability, it's just going to happen again. Like it did with Reagan, with Bushs I and II, with Trump. It's going to happen again, and that's why I'm freaking tired, man.

Do the work, fight for justice or go home.

I said my piece. Fini.

More from Law

This issue was repeatedly highlighted bu Judge Totenberg:

Dominion’s system “does not produce a voter-verifiable paper ballot or a paper ballot marked with the voter’s choices in a format readable by the voter because the votes are tabulated solely from the unreadable QR code.”

Judge also found that Dominion's QR codes are NOT encrypted:

“Evidence plainly contradicts any contention that the QR codes or digital signatures are encrypted,”

This was “ultimately conceded by Mr. Cobb and expressly acknowledged later by Dr. Coomer during his testimony.”

Judge Totenberg said there was “demonstrable evidence” that the implementation of Dominion’s systems by Georgia placed voters at an “imminent risk of deprivation of their fundamental right to cast an effective vote,” which she defined as a “vote that is accurately counted.”

Judge Totenberg found that Dominion Systems inherently could not be audited.

She noted that auditors are severely limited and “can only determine whether the BMD printout was tabulated accurately, not whether the election outcome is correct.“

Totenberg stated in her ruling that a BMD printout “is not trustworthy” and the application of an Risk-Limiting audit (RLA) to an election that used BMD printouts “does not yield a true risk-limiting audit.”

Georgia used RLAs to claim no fraud...

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