Saturn in Shravana – Unfolding the hidden mysteries
Saturn is currently transiting the Vishnu’s own nakshatra i.e., Shravana.This transit of karma karaka carries a divine message of transformation which a common man might not understands. By the way of this article,


I want to take you to the transcendal journey where hidden clues about karma and destiny can be decoded.

I don’t want to complicate the things so let’s start from some general knowledge about the nakshatra of Shravana. The star of Shravana is ruled by moon according to

Vimshottari Dasha scheme and it is opposite moon’s own house of cancer. So, the first important thing to understand is that any planet which will be placed in the nakshatra of Shravana will aspect moon’s own house too. Here is the catch. As the planet is affecting the

cancer sign too which is natural 4th house of Kalpurusha Kundli, it will definitely impact our mind and emotions. #Saturn is a restrictive planet currently in own sign of #Capricorn. The Saturn transit through this sign is believed to bring gloom and depressive tendencies

all over the globe. Additionally, when it transits through #Shraavana, there is possibility of upheavals and major up and downs all over the globe. According to Brihat Samhita, Saturn in the Shravan star creates issues for the king’s officer or King’s chief Brahmin.

Bhadrabahu Samhita also states that Saturn in Shravana can prove detrimental for the head of the states, president, chief ministers or the PM. Let’s see some series of events in last century when Saturn’s transit through Shravana has proven to be detrimental for society.

1.10th Feb 1903 to 8th March,1904 and then from 5th Sept to 30th Nov,1904. During this time period when Saturn was transiting Shravana Star, Serbian king Alexander & Queen Draga were assassinated in Belgrade by BLACK Hand Organisation. Britishers started invading Tibet in

1903 and the time proved to be very difficult for Buddhist religion. In 1904, the Russians were defeated by the Japanese in the battle of Shaho.

2. 22nd Dec 1932 to 14th May 1933 and then 8th June 1933 till 17th Jan 1934. The year of 1933 emerged as year of depression with

the failure of US banking systems. More than 4000 banks collapsed during that time. Also, US president Franklin D. Roosevelt survived an indecent attempt of assassination during the year. In 1934, an Australian chancellor Dollfus was killed by Nazi army.

3. 1st Feb 1962-27th Feb 1963
During this time frame, there was a #stellium of planets in Capricorn. The Indo-china war happened only during this time and this time was detrimental for the whole country. China behaved ruthlessly and tried to occupy parts of Ladakh.

India lost many brave soldiers and there was huge bloodshed.

4. 15th March 1991 - 23rd July 1991& 11th July 1992 - Jan 1993.
The Indian economy was in worst state during this time with foreign reserves touching all time low. Indian govt. has to take help from international

organisations for welfare of country. At end, many reforms were undertaken in form of liberalisation and globalisation to tackle the situation. Mr. Rajiv Gandhi was also assassinated in May 1991.
#BabriMasjid was also demolished on 6th December,1992 which led to religious

violence all over the country. It is important event which definitely impacted the peace and harmony during that period.

Impact on world-
Keeping in mind all these events, we can estimate the ill-effects of Saturn in Shraavana star. Now, Saturn has entered the star of

Shraavana on 23rd January, 2021. The upcoming time frame is venomousness for the entire world. The heads of the governments all across the world will face severe challenges. It might be possible that world leaders may be thrown away from the throne. The world will be

suffering from after affects of the COVID-19 crisis with serious implications on banking system & liquidity.There might be war like situations in many parts of the world which will lead to chaos and bloodshed.

Impact on India:
The time is quite detrimental for the India.

Saturn is affecting 3-9 axis of India’s natal chart which means that there will be clashes with neighbours. These clashes can take severe turn when #Mars will enter the #taurus sign & make conjunction with Rahu. As Saturn is also aspecting pisces which is natural 12th house

of zodiac, there might be huge expenditure and gains too (11th house in foundation chart). Religious fundamentalism can be clearly seen due to Saturn’s placement in 9th house and with combination of other transits, it can take a violent turn in upcoming future! illegal

businesses will face the hammer of administration as #Shani will do best justice in its own sign. The big leaders or the political cream can face huge allegations and dis-respect at the hands of masses.

Predictions for individual self:
At individual level, one may feel

quite distracted and lonely. The disposal of thoughts and feelings will become really hard and you will feel frustrated. Sadness might conquer you every now and then which can affect your internal happiness. The mind and heart may loose a connection which can make the

lives more perplexed. Careers may suffer and decision making may become hard. So ,far we have discussed the issues related to this transit.

But where does the solution lies?
The most simple and effective remedy is worshipping peepal tree. You should lit diya on peepal

tree at least on Saturdays. Peepal tree is a natural symbolism of Shree Vishnu. As Saturn is transiting Vishnu’s own nakshatra, therefore worship of this tree will reap multiple benefits along with the blessings of Lord Vishnu. Siddhartha or Gautam Buddha also attained

salvation near peepal tree. Moksha is end product of years of silence and making our individual self one with cosmic vibration. This nakshatra gives a lot of importance to silence and listening rather than speaking. Therefore, worship of peepal tree becomes altogether


Get in touch-
If you are facing any setbacks in personal or professional life, or you need your chart reading with respect to any 2021 transits which have crucial impact on your life, health or job, you may feel free to reach us at 9966667290/ 8985195822.

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