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@lornarichardson Big plus one for the @UkNatArchives research guides - they're my go to for any new topic - obviously, for place-based work if there's an @VCH_London entry available (and we know that the east of England is a gap) then that's a useful place to start. Many are on @bho_history 1/x

@UkNatArchives @VCH_London @bho_history Along with lots of other material (there are some useful subject guides for @bho_history here: - I wrote the Local History one). 2/x

@UkNatArchives @VCH_London @bho_history If you have access, a simple placename search on the Bibliography of British and Irish History will almost certainly pull up anything published in local and national journals. Declaring an interest, I'm a section editor on that, but it is invaluable. 3/x

@UkNatArchives @VCH_London @bho_history With @CHPPC_IHR we've put together some online training/seminars/events which address some key themes (and there are more on the way; please let me know if there's a particular topic you'd like covered): 4/x

@UkNatArchives @VCH_London @bho_history @CHPPC_IHR My colleagues @IHR_Library have put together an excellent guide to free/open access online resources (some grouped under local history but many more are applicable):