1/25: It’s been 6-months since I posted a thread about the trend of early stage companies raising of 2-3 back-to-back rounds with minimal progress in-between. I asked some amazing VCs whether or not anything has changed since. They think it’s gotten worse. Their thoughts:
2/25: We still have the conversation with Founders every few weeks if not more often: “How much can you learn how quickly for how much money?” This is even true for first equity rounds which are the bigger problem for us right now. (@iamjakestream)
3/25: The why: Many large VCs are incented to put money to work because in they’re playing an AUM game and need to show their LPs they have access to all the “hot companies”. (@iamjakestream)
4/25: We have the Sisyphean task of convincing Founders that a $5MM seed check out of a $1B+ Fund isn't necessarily going to improve their chances of getting to product-market fit. It buys runway but doesn't always increase optionality --- it can actually hurt. (@iamjakestream)
5/25: Hectocorns! (100x 🦄) Valuations are outpacing our lexicon for exceptional business. We're realizing companies can reach heights nobody imagined possible a year ago. If you want to understand "crazy" seed round pricing, start from there and work backwards. (@Mark_Goldberg_)