The Misrepresentation of the Levites

[A Bonus Smallanyana Thread]


This thread is not part of the Angelology Threads we are focusing on this month of February but it is a response to what uNkulunkulu laid on my heart when I was finishing up Part 3 of the main threads.

This thread is also not an attack but a personal observation.
Let's Begin 📖

The Levites or the Tribe of Levi was/ is one of the original 12 tribes of Israel. Descended from Levi the son of Jacob. Descendants of Aaron, the first high priest of Israel. The Levites were designated as the priestly class, also known as the Kohanim.
Principal roles:

Singing Psalms during temple services
Teachers of the Word
Judges (Politics)
Construction and Maintenance of the Temple
Serving as Guards

The Levites were known to stand for truth, at all cost. Some considered them an army set apart by and for uNkulunkulu.
Numbers 18:6

And behold, I have taken your brothers the Levites from among the people of Israel. They are a gift to you, given to the Lord, to do the service of the tent of meeting.
In the present day State of Israel, the Levitical Priesthood can be found among the Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Mizrahi Jewish communities. They constitute about 4% of the Jewish population.
Though we cannot claim, by DNA, to be a part of this distinct tribe - uNkulunkulu has called many of us into Priesthood and a majority of "church" ministries are built around this Levitical model.

In African Spiritual studies we learn of older Priesthoods and God's hand on them
A common factor in the Jewish, Hebraic, and African Priesthood is the concept of Righteousness on the basis that the Priests are in service of the Almighty. In this same analogy, the musicians who minister are also in service of the Almighty.
We have been facing a dilemma, probably for the longest time now, where Church is seen as a workplace rather than a Centre of Healing, a Spiritual Hospital of sorts. The "Levites" aren't serving the people but have elevated themselves to be served with everyone under their feet.
As much as the Levites were the only ones allowed to carry the Ark of The Covenant, modern day Levites (specifically Ministers of the Word and Musicians) also carry the "Ark of the Covenant" in the service.
With Righteousness not observed and next to a Zero heart for mankind, we are left with a competition of who can provide the best entertainment to the people. Leadership pulls out all stops for service to "not be boring" and to offer as much entertainment value as possible.
I won't delve into the occult because that would require another multi-thread but it is important to note that in pulling all the stops to offer entertainment value, the same approach is applied to pull in and keep as many congregants as possible and as blind as possible.
Ecclesiastes 32:4

Pour not out words where there is a musician, and shew not forth wisdom out of time.

There is a time to sing Psalms, and a time to minister the Word. What we find is music is used to enhance the message! Wisdom needs no enhancement.
Ubukhona bukaNkulunkulu abuhlali noma ikuphi. I hope and pray that we can one day, soon, go back to the basics of the Levitical Priesthood - where our lives in public AND in private reflect our ministry.
There is so much more I want to say on this topic but my heart aches because the Church bleeds kabuhlungu ngoba the Levitical Priesthood has lost its mark.

Please allow me to leave it here.

Tomorrow we continue with Part 4 of Izithunywa, delving into Jewish Angelology.

More from For later read

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