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Allen West & the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, Knights Templar is not a joke. Seriously.
He's very aligned with Mike Flynn & Erik Prince who are literally waging their own version of a Crusade. Holy War. This is troubling to say the least, more than semi.

London Center for Policy Research

"Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, Inc. is an autonomous & independent org in the US, which seeks to emulate the chivalric & charity traditions of the original Templars; its members apply themselves energetically & selflessly to Christian charitable endeavors."

"We do not claim a direct linage to the original Knights of the Temple, but seek to emulate their attributes. We've adopted 2 original Templar missions of Protecting Christians at Risk particularly in the Holy Land & Keeping the Road to Jerusalem open to all people as our own."

Harking back to the Templar history during the Crusades, the modern Templars see it their duty to assist Christian pilgrims and to maintain a Christian presence in the Holyland. One must be a professed Christian to be a