We are living under occupational machinery that is militarily in nature. Pure might. All the so called democratic processes that take place here besides helping in to put foward the legal face of otherwise illegal subjugation, are also aimed to strengthen

the settler colonial projects at the very grassroot level. Elections thereby seek validation from local subjects and endowing (read luring) the nominated ones with powers to corrupt them. Colonizers don't even want mass scale votes to be casted to get these stooges selected.
Even a paltry number could do the job, and in most cases even without contest. Is boycott a vague option then? No. A big no. As I said it is more of militarily occupation, they'll lock their horns on the noose of gun. Whether elections will be held or not, occupation doesn't care
Elections just offers them the safest way to deal with minimum mess and maximum outcome/impact. Evidently occupier will either be hardcore and unleash brutalities or employs soft cunning tactics to set its colonial grip firmly. You have to resist either way. So the question is
not how and what occupier acts and offers but rather the approach and extent of resistance you're offering to oppose any of its heinous moves. Boycotting is one of the resistance moves. Don't care whether it'll apparently benefit or not. I believe it'll.
Even if it just brings a remorseful anguish or a wrinkle of frustration on the forehead of tyrant, believe me that is our success. That marks the inception to decaying of occupational structures.
Boycotting elections means you reject the fact the fact that democratic developments aren't legit in an occupied territory. It's a message that we don't accept the imposed brute authoritarian regime. We're not at peace. More importantly the blood of martyrs won't be desecrated.
It will foster in you the qualities of resilience, steadfastness and firm resolute. Remember taking sides becomes important while dealing with case of oppressor and oppressed.

On the other hand the fact is certain that participating will doom us.
There is no scope to political dissent and history is witness to it.

So if you are given a chance while you are stagnant and can't be part of any kind of active resistance, let's slap in the face of brute regime and colloborators by not licking the blood stained ballots.
Lastly remember if your conscience even keeps you from condemning the false and illegitimate acts you're already standing in the boots of occupier. I repeat "resistance comes with conscience".

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