Categories B2b sales

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B2B sales are lucrative. They can generate 1000x as much revenue as B2C sales. 🤑

But for most indie hackers, sales is scary. Selling to businesses is SUPER scary.

This thread shows you exactly how I closed my first $10k of B2B sales as an indie dev.


First, let me present my credentials. 💼

I quit my job at Google to become full-time indie hacker 6 months ago.

When I quit, I had $500 MRR from, an app for nerds who play Pathfinder (a game like Dungeons & Dragons).

It took 3 years to get that far. 🙃

Fast forward 6 months. I still have $500 MRR from Spell Tracker.

But in January, I closed my first $10k ARR of B2B revenue from! 🙌

And I'm not slowing down. I'm on a rocket ship, and it looks like I'll hit ramen profitability before the end of March. 🍜


When I worked at Google I was a partner engineer who advised businesses on YouTube's rights management system.

4 months after I quit, I got calls from businesses I'd advised. They asked me to do some consulting.

I had no deadlines, so why not?

It turns out they both had the same problem... a problem I'd already solved repeatedly inside Google.

Within 3 weeks, my new product was born.

Meet, a system to find, prioritize, and recover missed revenue opportunities for YouTube content owners.