Remember the “Satanic Panic” daycare-sex-abuse scandals of the 80s they use as an example of mass hysteria? Completely true btw.

Here are some of the FBI records on it:

The Finders. A cult that was involved with international child trafficking, Satanic worship and mind control techniques. Eventually irrefutable evidence was gathered by the FBI that the State Department and CIA was involved, and conspired to cover up investigation and charges.
It all began when 6 young children - filthy and covered in scratches and bug bites and accompanied by 2 well-dressed men - were reported to police in Florida. The men went into a “trance like state” during questioning.
A doctor examined the children and determined two of the six to have physical indicators of sexual abuse. The doctor also found bite marks. When the children were placed into protective custody, a series of disturbing, violent phone calls were made to the child protective agency.
The men were from DC, which led investigators there where they obtained search warrants for two properties. Photographs were found of men dressed in white robes holding a goat head, children engaging in blood letting of the goat and one even holding a goat fetus.
About two weeks after the initial investigation began, it was suddenly announced that the MPD and Tallahassee police were dropping all charges due to “insignificant evidence”. The doctor went back on her word and stated publicly there was not “conclusive” evidence of sexual abuse
FBI continued to quietly investigate however. The leader of the group was identified as Marion Pettie. His wife Isabelle was confirmed to be a member of the CIA for 21 years. There were other suspicious ties to CIA and State Dept.
The McMartin preschool is then documented to have many tunnels underneath it and the children were able to accurately describe entrances and exits. There were electrical switches in the school that did not work for that purpose, but rather sounded alarm alert systems.
Johny Gosch’s mother (the paperboy kidnapped in 1982 – the original milk carton missing child boy) is known for receiving pictures of her son after going public with accusations of a powerful and nationally connected child trafficking group as her son’s abductors.
Behind a paywall but Episodes 5 & 6 of Sword and Scale podcast are an interesting look into the Franklin Coverup, another insane and disturbing case from the 80s involving child traffickers at the highest levels of power. The authoritative book is
A lot of questions still unanswered. One of them, why are 170 pages of the FBI’s records on this still redacted?
Read this and ask yourself why this investigation was shut down by the police within weeks
When the FBI tried to contact DC police, they found out that the State Dept and CIA got there first.

“No further information will be available. No further action will be taken.”
The evidence? Destroyed.
The children they found in Tallahassee? Turned over to people “claiming” to be parents or guardians.

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