Managing Director at Blackrock quits after 15 years on Wallstreet.


To become a fulltime creator.

26 ideas from @khemaridh on how to become a fulltime creator.

h/t @dickiebush #ship30for30 office hours


It's not how skilled you are.

It's your willingness to show up.
Nobody knows what they are doing.

Everyone is trying to figure it out.

Just keep going.
Be selfish with your creation.

Scratch your own itch.

Do things that stimulate your mind.
Nobody wants to compete with someone who:

1. Has fun doing what they are doing
2. Spends 16 hours on their craft

Follow your curiosity and you will always win.
Stay guided by fun.

If something isn't fun, don't do it.

Learn to say no.
Fall in love with the craft.

If you love the craft, you are going to stick with it.
Quit things that aren't fun.

If you don't like Instagram, don't use Instagram.

If you don't like Youtube, don't use Youtube.
Don't feel pressured to do things you are not interested in.

Just because others are doing it, doesn't mean you have to do it.
You're going to repeat ideas.

You will write the same thing over and over.

That's okay.

The more you write about it, the tighter the idea gets.
Things I wish I would have known when I was starting writing

1. Headlines matter
2. Framing matters
3. Leverage Zeitgeist
Headlines matter

Write 10-15 headlines for every post that you write.
Framing matters

Frame your message in a unique way
1. Tell stories
2. Use examples
3. Relate to other concepts and ideas
Leverage Zeitgeist

Zeitgeist is the spirit of a generation or a period of time

It answers...

1. What's going on right now?
2. What are people talking about?
Find your core ideas through iteration.

Loop those ideas through everything that you do.
Facts don't sell.

Stories sell.
Talent without distribution is wasted.

Talent is important.

Distribution is MORE important.
Want to become a better writer?

Write and PUBLISH every day for a year.

Just write.
Find what you are good at, and keep doing it.

Forget about the things you don't enjoy doing.
There is a benefit from sharing your ideas on a social network.

Social networks allow people to learn who you are.
The more time you spend on distribution, the less time you are going to spend on writing.

Focus on making distribution easy.
Focus less on notetaking systems...

Google is the best place to find information

Your prior writing is the next best place
Ask yourself...
Is my notetaking a form of escapism?

If it is, cut it.

Don't let your notetaking system limit your creativity.
Want to know the ultimate compounding?


Just keep shipping your work.

Notetaking apps don't ship for you
Do you define your self worth from what you accomplish?

Want to know how to manage this?

Ask yourself why.

Then ask yourself again.

And again.
Why I write...

1. It's fun
2. It can make me money
3. It's a creative outlet
4. It's a form of therapy
Bottom line...
1. Follow your curiosity
2. Be consistent
3. Ignore the noise

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