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In old times, the aborigines of this place were the tribals named Nagas, Pishachas and Yakshas, who used to go in summer towards Tibet and return to Kashmir in winter.

Because of the fear of these tribals, the Brahmins used to depart from the valley before the tribals returned.

The Brahmins begin to reside in Kashmir permanently, only after they started giving presents to these Aborigines on specific festivals at the suggestion of Nila Nag,

the King of Nagas. He continued to rule Satidesa (Kashmir valley) even after its desiccation.

[Let humans settle down permanently in Kashmir,
O, possessed of the fierce prowess. The people are always facing misery in coming and going.

Leaving their homes in various places, the humans
are troubled. With their favour let them live
here. This is the boon I solicit. : Nila (said): “Let it be so, O best among the twice-born. The humans may live here permanently, if you follow my instructions, which

I received from Keshava”].

The festival Khichiramavasya is still observed by all Kashmiri Hindus. On this day, which falls on the fifteenth day of the dark 3 fortnight of the month of Poh (generally in the month of December- January),
Why Kashmiri Hindus are called Pandits?

Let’s go back to the era of Sultan Sikandar known to the history as Butshikan, meaning, iconoclast. He was a religious fanatic, the like of whom would put any bigot to shame.

A long thread but plz read it 🙏

In 1394 Sultan Sikandar came to the throne and soon earned the nick name of Butshikan or Iconoclast, from the intense zeal he showed in destroying the grand old temples which the Hindu rajas had bequeathed to Kashmir.

Hindu temples were felled to the ground, and for one year a large establishments was maintained for the demolition of the grand Martand temples .

Having glutted his vengeance on Hindu temples Sikandar turned his attention to the

people who had worshipped in them ,and he offered them three choices, Death, Conversion or Exile.

Many fled, many were converted and many were killed, and it is said that though this monarch burnt “seven mounds‟ of sacred threads of murdered Brahamans.

It is pleasant to turn to the more enlightened reign of Zain-ul-Abidin (known as Budshah), who succeeded to the throne of Kashmir.

The result of his religious tolerance was the return of exiled Kashmiri Pandits.