Giveaways are smashing the Twitter algo.
I've gained dozens of followers & newsletter subs.
Small accounts NEED to use them.
They drive growth, but also experience & trust.
Because a Twitter giveaway is a mini-product launch.
Steal my blueprint to create 1 in an afternoon🧵
The phases of a Twitter giveaway launch:
1. Ideate
2. Build
3. Promote
4. Deliver
5. Follow-Up
Let's break them down:
Grab a piece of paper and write down 3 lists:
1. Concepts you've learned in the last WEEK
2. Problems you've solved in the last MONTH
3. Questions you've been asked the most in the last YEAR
You're Twitter giveaway is somewhere on these lists...
Combine the best from your 3 lists into 1 based on these criteria:
1. Quickly actionable
2. Easily explainable
3. Broadly relatable (beginner)
Once done, you're going to pick ONE that sings to you the most.
But don't throw out the rest. They'll be your next giveaways
Pick 1 the easiest medium to convey your idea:
• Loom video
• Checklist (Notion)
• Written guide (Google Doc)
Give yourself ONE HOUR to script & edit your giveaway.
You get an additional 15 minutes to record, if applicable ;)