All spring and summer I was resentful of twitter "leftists" for their conduct during the primaries. There are many things, and they were all absurd, but the most absurd was when those lunatics turned on AOC for complimenting Liz Warren on a fucking SNL cameo.
Then I hated "leftists" for personal stuff. Long story short some nutjob leftists think I'm rich bc I'm a tv writer. They're stupid. Oh, and I'm evil, a trait apparently inherited from my mom whom "leftists" told me was evil for being a landlord of the 3 family house she lives in
Well, I do look like exactly my mom. And I'm evil because I told ppl not all landlords are rich slumlords, so if you can afford to, pay rent.
But it all really hit me when Kamala was announced as the VP pick. The first black woman San Francisco AG, California AG, AND VP pick. FIRST. HBCU grad and everything. And "leftists" acted like she aint shit. Like we werent supposed to be proud of her accomplishments.
I was so proud of her. And twitter had so warped my brain on what "progressivism" looked like, that in my attempts to pass purity tests, i muted my enthusiasm for her. I'm so disappointed in myself.