I've been serving on grad admissions committees at MIT for 5 years - in EECS and Media Lab
If you want to get into a PhD at a place like MIT, here's a thread with some advice based on my observations
1. Grades do matter, especially in courses that are important for your chosen field
2. Research matters, even more than grades
3. Publications matter, but letters of recommendation matter even more
4. Your statement of purpose should be the cherry on top of the cake
When I say grades matter, it doesn't mean that you need 100/100 or A+ in every course. It does mean that you are expected to have strong competence (close to straight A/A+/A-) in technical courses relevant to your field of interest
While grades show competence, a PhD is about research. So, the more your application demonstrates research potential, the higher your chances for acceptance. It's not about the number of papers (if any), but about the quality of research you pursue
This is why the best evaluation of research potential often comes from letters of recommendation (LoRs)
Letters shed light on technical competence, creativity, work ethic, & personal interaction. All of which are important for a successful PhD