Authors Douglas A. Blackmon

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So you’re asking if I actually can explain how the new Georgia voting law discourages voting, especially in minority & lower income communities and sets up ways for the legislature and exec branch to tamper with elections the way President Trump tried? Okay, if you insist.

—The most dangerous part of the Georgia voting law is that it removes from the State Election Board the vote of the Secretary of State—even though under Georgia Constitution, the Scty of State oversees elections. It also puts the board under the control of the legislature. 2/17

And the election board can suspend and replace any local election official basically anytime they want, for just about any reason—like having an honest election. 3/17

If that had been the law in November, a state board controlled by the Republican legislature would have been able to do exactly what President Trump illegally wanted—firing election officials in counties, like Clayton, Dekalb and Fulton, that voted big for Biden... 4/17

...And then sending in carpetbaggers to declare fraud where there was none, and fraudulently throw out thousands of African-American votes.
