Authors Sunny Singh

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I keep thinking that these are the latest in a long line of violehnt white supremacists. And how Whiteness erases its traces to seem seamless.

I only saw these photos of segregationists from the Civil Rights Movement era as an adult.

Of course I knew about CRM. I saw the the photographs of MLK, Malcolm X, of CRM leaders. We were taught at school (and not just in USA).

But I didn’t see photographs of white people so full of hatred and violence.

Even as early as 1970s visuals of White hatred and violence had been erased from mass media (or what counted as that). It was entirely all pervasive by the 80s when I got to NYC, as a teen.

Instead media relentlessly peddled images of Black and brown men engaged in violence

I remember being at NYPL and the the shock I felt at seeing images of violent hateful White people - not soldiers, mind you. I am from a former colony and we knew white colonialist violence well. But these images of ‘normal’ White folk.

Much of the backlash from big name White Women journalists against ‘Karen’ videos and images is because they know those videos visibilise White hatred and violence, specially of White Women and ruptures narratives of their innocence, exposes their collusion and participation