Authors 🌲🗿Alpine Rockhead🗿🌲

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The Pentagon is running an artificial intelligence program to test how people react to propaganda and strategy of tension. The program is called Sentient World Simulation (SWS).

With this “God Tier” technology, if the user wants to bring about a certain event, he would already know how the masses would likely behave. It features an avatar for each person in the real world that’s based upon data collected about us from records and the internet.

The core of the data collection is the smart phone, which will be ramped up with 5G technology.


SWS uses AI routines based on the psychological theories of Marty Seligman and others.

Seligman introduced the theory of “learned helplessness” in the 60s after electro-shocking beagles until they cowered and urinated on the bottom of their cages.

The scamdemic is straight out of the learned helplessness playbook and is applied on a massive scale at a global level

SWS will be a “synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information,” according to a concept paper for the project.

“SWS provides an environment for testing PSYOPs,” the paper reads.