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This thread is to create awareness on how to use

Please note that i am not officially associated with website. Only an active contributor & hope to benefit from network effects of interested investors actively contributing on platform. is above all else a community of like minded investors who wants to actively engage in understandin at a fundamental level & separate wheat from the chaff.

Develop an understanding of the biz, industry, competitive intensity, management, valuation

Website was created > 10 years ago. Early users are seasoned investors & i personally look to learn greatly by following their footprints across the website.

There are broadly speaking 4-5 types of "threads" or discussion places across the website.

1. Featured discussions (hall of fame, showcase discussions, learning).

These enable investor to level up the most. These discussions are a showcase for the website itself.
These are also a great starting point. Since VP is not a course, feel free to traverse them in any order