Mystree_Machine Authors Yeerk.P 🦆

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You did not 'know' that you were 'cis' at age 11 lol- you learned the term 'cis' as an adult and then retroactively applied it to yourself- it's not the same thing

This 'knowledge' (which is akin to the knowledge that your arm possesses 'armness') was *socially produced* through your introduction to the discourse of 'gender identity', through your introduction to a conceptual distinction founded upon 'identifying with one's assigned sex'

Ironically, the fact that you've never felt a dissonance between yourself and your 'assigned sex' becomes evidence for the legitimacy of the distinction in the first place i.e. you assume that because *you* experience a unity of 'gender' and 'sex', this implies that others don't

By teaching young children that they *can* experience a dissonance between their 'inner selves' and their 'assigned sex', you actually invite them to 'consider what this would be like'- and this objectless rumination then becomes the 'evidence' for the necessity of transition

Since there are no actual tangible standards by which a person can verify that their gender 'matches' their assigned sex (literally none whatsoever), in the absence of such standards, the mind's process of enquiring into itself *becomes* the standard
When people say 'stop thinking about it' or 'stop being depressed', they actually mean 'stop producing depressed discourse'- the 'inescapability' of these things is in their recursive self-production via 'thinking about them'

Beckett's 'The Unnamable' is practically a demonstration of this- written from the point of view of a disembodied voice (it's only embodiment is 'in the text') self-generating its own claustrophobia through its inability to cease

Lest anyone think I'm being dismissive of mental anguish, I suffered from 'depression' and 'anxiety' for a long time- in my early 20s- before I developed the spiritual confidence to affirm what I'd intellectually always suspected: that these things have no actual existence

On my 1st ever podcast appearance w/ @kaschuta, I describe evil as 'nothingness eating itself into the world'- the fact of a thing being non-existent doesn't mean it doesn't inflict harm- the harm it inflicts its the friction of the non-existent entering an existent medium