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Without jumping to conclusions, this is a strange coincident. Is someone trying to kill two birds with one stone?

If you don't get caught up in the noise of the media, you'll notice a few more things. The far-right Oath Keepers has been patrolling major cities with heavy weapons for weeks. They were present in numbers at the Capitol, but without weapons.


You find photos of the arrested vandals but strangely enough not of the one 70-year-old who allegedly had a truck full of weapons. And at least I couldn't find an image of that truck. But the old man was apparently very talkative to the police.

The most questionable aspect, however, is the FBI's search for a person who was apparently caught on a surveillance camera the previous night.
At that time, it was possible to predict a mass gathering, but not the riot.
GP State Department diplomats work for Pompeo, not the other way around. They should shut their yaps or quit.

Also, it's telling how much the horrible, illegal attacks on the Capitol have made establishment DC and its permanent bureaucracy quake in their boots.

GP The bureaucrats have always assumed they were untouchable, unassailable, protected. They assumed things would never change and that people in the hinterlands could safely be ignored forever because they're backwards hick Jesus-loving gun clingers and too dumb to listen to.

GP Government's overall disregard for ordinary Americans from treating us like bottomless wallets to trying to force us to believe as they do to ignoring basic legal and constitutional restraints on their actions built resentment over time and DC was blind to it.

GP When the hicks from the sticks got Trump elected, DC fought back against Trump and by extension them with everything at its disposal. Media pushed made up crap to hamstring Trump. Biden and Obama secretly used government to torment and assail an incoming administration.
Historian here, with a message for folks arguing against holding people accountable for the siege of the Capitol because "history will be the judge." We are in this mess, BECAUSE people in the past didn't hold their contemporaries accountable. Please don't repeat that mistake.

Nixon was forced out of office, but he was never held responsible for his egregious actions as President. You'll never guess what sort of precedent and example that set for the future President who most shared Nixon's moral turpitude.

In the 1970s, many "mainstream" media outlets buckled to right wing pressure & lent their platforms to gut bucket racists like James Kilpatrick & Pat Buchanan, rebranding them as "conservatives." We continue to reap the consequences of normalizing racism.

Here's a thread on Pat Buchanan. In the early 90s Charles Krauthammer and Bill Buckley, staunch conservatives both, called Pat a "fascist" and an "antisemite." And yet he still got major media gigs for DECADES.

Trump's career (and that of his family) is overstuffed with acts of white collar crime for which no one ever received more than a tiny fine as a slap on the wrist. Everyone one in NYC knew Trump was a morally bankrupt and corrupt crook. But somehow NBC still made him a star.
@JoeGebhardt2 @GlennGattis1 @toddstarnes How many factual lies can you pack into one tweet> The Trump team had 4 cases in Pennsylvania alone.

In most cases Trump's own lawyers disclaimed any fraud in their own court cases.

Trump's handpicked judges excoriated him worse than any others. /1

@GlennGattis1 @toddstarnes First: Trump sued over Philly counting 5 categories of mail in ballots.

They appealed all the way to the PA Supreme Court.

They lost.
https://t.co/bQprvfqDvk /2

@GlennGattis1 @toddstarnes 2nd: Trump sued Bucks County for counting ballots they thought were deficient.

They appealed that decision and lost. And the PA SC denied the appeal without comment.

https://t.co/YZVGpOxZCV /3

@GlennGattis1 @toddstarnes 3rd, Trump sued Montgomery County to stop them from counting mail-in ballots.

Trump didn't dispute the facts at all. **STIPULATED** to common facts.


Then they abandoned the appeal. /4

@GlennGattis1 @toddstarnes 4th, Trump famously sued in Federal Court challenging the results of the election. And, as luck would have it, they were assigned a conservative Judge who was a member of the Federalist Society.

Rudy, however, when faced with the prospect of lying to a Federal Judge . . . /5
So here’s the deal. In the aftermath of Wednesday’s coup, many have been looking to history to find examples of what we can expect now. This is in many ways good (at last), but I just worry we might draw the wrong conclusions. A thread. 1/

The obvious example that people have grasped for is, of course, Germany. These come in two major flavours. Some wanted to ask if the blueprint of dealing with these past four years could be Germany’s post-war denazification…
https://t.co/f7CKhPZEy3 2/

…while others saw a direct equivalent to the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923: a stepping stone on the path of Hitler’s rise to power. A decade after this farcical, localised revolt in Munich, Hitler rose to national power. The rest, as they say, is history. https://t.co/OhO9UW7X7t 3a/

(Just today, Arnold @Schwarzenegger has compared Wednesday to Kristallnacht. His video message is actually well worth watching here, also because of his personal message that comes with it. https://t.co/rGI5TD3Uir) 3b/

I’ve said time and again that I’m uncomfortable with the direct comparisons often drawn between Trump and Hitler and Trump’s US and Hitler’s Germany (and sorry to my longtime followers who’ve heard this over and over again). And look, I understand why some want to do this. 4/