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Twitter is like a free workshop.

But 98.8% of the people miss out on the best tweets.

Here are our best threads from February & what they can help you with:

Collaborated with @niki_poojary

1) How to use Tradingview paid features in the free plan?

This will save you a lot of money each year. Also a huge help with multi-timeframe

2) After constantly working with @niki_poojary I finally learned how to make my own trading plan.

I listed down her simple 8 step process to create a

3) Extended moves help you to book profits and play reversals.

Here are 8 examples of extended moves to learn from @niki_poojary

4) 10 concepts I wish I learned quicker post my three-year experience in the stock market.

Knowing these and working on them will save you a lot of time & money. If I did it all again, I'd focus on these concepts first before learning something