As we wait for the transition of power from despot to democrat, Facebook (Zuckerberg) has taken it upon itself to aid in the obstruction of that power transfer, facilitation of an insurrection narrative and disregard for the will of the American electorate.

In other words, the Social Media monopoly Facebook commands globally has gone full fascist in an attempt to preserve the corrupt and criminal hold on power by Republicans and Trump Administration.

Aiding and abetting a coup d’état.
As if there weren’t enough other reasons to dismantle Facebook’s monopoly, Zuckerberg is playing his cards and revealing clearly that Cambridge Analytica election interference was not just a onetime anomaly, but is now a feature of Facebook’s business model.
Megalomaniac Marc has now revealed the true colours of Fascist Facebook.

Facebook is a weapon to manipulate the masses. A tool to carry out disinformation campaigns with impunity.

And the response of the left... is to delete their Facebook account.
As if the deletion of a Facebook account will do anything. It might send a message that your virtues are principled, your morality superior. But it enables the weapon to be continued to gaslight and manipulate the electorate.

An inherent flaw in the left’s critical thinking.
Corrupt and criminal actors really don’t give a damn about the left’s virtues, beliefs or values. Virtue signalling is a useless waste of time and effort. It only enables crimes that will destroy the very principled who are “challenged” by the thought of using Facebook.
While millions ponder if the high road is indeed the best approach, Facebook is saturating the globe with calls for insurrection, narratives of hate and gaslighting so intense it’s unbearable and will result in violent chaos. Globally, not just in the US.
By placing virtue at the pinnacle of principled action, the left continues to slit its own throat. Or at the very least hand the knife to the perpetrator.

We are at war and people close their eyes and count to three, devastated when they find danger upon opening their eyes.
Principles are great. Virtue is inspiring. But wars aren’t won by principles & virtue signalling. Battle requires more than indifference to criminal adversaries willing to exterminate those who dissent to a power grab.

War requires mental & physical commitment & to fight back.
As the left continues to smugly offer taunts of “loser” and “failure” to the far right, the right is preparing to respond to those taunts with brutal force. And Facebook is enabling that preparation and logistical planning.

What did the left think fascists would do? Leave?
The naivety and hubris is stunning. But that is the character flaw of the self righteous. So confident in their superiority, they forget to pay attention to reality.

Winning the election was a momentous victory.
Getting Republicans and the 70 million US voters who prefer fascism to concede power is going to be much much more difficult.

Fascists fight to retain power.

American fascists are fighting to retain power.
But the virtuous are going to delete their Facebook account. Like that means something? The very thought is laughable, ridiculous, and humiliating.

The right is willing to fight to the death to preserve their hold on power, and the left is considering deleting Facebook.
The absurdity and disparity of perception could not be more stark.

Wake up! The next 75 days will determine the future fate of the globe. Are you prepared to risk your life? Take up arms? Defend free and fair elections? The right is willing to defend fascism.
The average human mind is predictable & sadly so limited. Denial of reality protects people from experiencing pain, angst, fear, horror, disgust, etc.

Convinced of our own magnificence & exceptionalism, we overlook existential threat until it’s breathing down our neck.
I have literally been warning this was going to happen, daily, for about 3.5 years. It’s a predictable pattern of behaviour. Which I knew was the eventual outcome the day Trump was elected. I’m not exceptionally talented or perceptive. I just don’t fool myself with denial.
If Trump’s and the Republican’s refusal to concede the election comes as a surprise, you have been denying reality.

How many times have I been mansplained that the beliefs and ideology of the right are not fascism? Exuberant belief, but perfectly legitimate politics.
Populist rhetoric and disinformation are not valid methods to gain political support.

The globe has had 4 years to prepare for this moment. But all the left prepared to do was vote. Not defend that vote.

So confident that good wins over evil, every time.
Guess what? That’s a Hollywood ending. In reality, the left gets off its collective ass and defends freedom, democracy and fair elections, or democracy is done.

Toss out the rose coloured glasses and live in reality for awhile.

The fight for human existence has begun.
It’s do or die. Literally, not figuratively.

Yes Biden needs to address the legal issues being passed as rationale for frivolous law suits.

But the battle for a fascist dictatorship is going to be fought amongst the public, not in the courts.
Disinformation is being amplified widely by Facebook. Allowing the far right and assorted militias and Dominionist spiritual warriors to coordinate, motivate and activate. Many of them are armed.

That’s reality.
What the left does next determines our fate. It’s time to stop celebrating the easy battle victory. And start organizing to address the overall war.

Principles, virtue and sanctimony are irrelevant now. Defending democracy requires stamina, strength and unity of purpose.
I’m not advocating taking up arms. I’m advocating having a plan in place to address the right if THEY take up arms would be highly advisable. That risk increases daily.

Immediate cessation of gloating and taunts of the right is required.
A peaceful transfer of power is impossible when the left keeps provoking anger, humiliation, rage & extremism with Social Media witticisms and haughty derisive commentary.

Public pressure to accept the election outcome must commence. It is not a foregone conclusion.
Wake the F up and start treating democracy seriously. And I’m not just referring to Americans. This is global. Anyone causing divisions in the electorate right now is fanning the flames of WW3. And should be called out for it.

And for gods sake quit virtue signalling!
So read the embedded thread. Banning is calling for beheadings, Trump fired the secretary of defence. Republicans refuse to concede the election. Putin refuses to acknowledge Biden’s presidency.

We have very little time to get organized.
If you want to avoid all out physical combat & war, you better develop a plan and activate it immediately.

Support truth, facts and honest journalism.

Join others in peacefully condemning any obstructionism, wherever it’s found. US, Canada, UK, Australia, France, etc.
Alberta has a premier that’s obstructing a COVid response. If you don’t think that’s related to US Republican’s obstructionism, you’re in denial again.

Charlie Angus is continuing to gaslight Canadians with a fake scandal that’s been debunked.
Canadian Mainstream Media is gaslighting readers and viewers by giving the far right a platform to spread their disinformation.

Obstructionists are denying reality and refusing to address urgent issues across the globe.
Public pressure to remove obstructionist policy is required. A general strike, mass protests, letter writing campaigns, demands for Emergency Measures. These are all actions that are peaceful protest and clear indication of dissent to far right fascist policies.
I will no longer engage with the far right, or with the delusions perpetuated by those in denial of reality.

Everything I’ve prepared for is now upon us.

Get in the game folks. Reality sucks, but it’s the best chance you have of surviving the next 75 days.
Sitting in stunned disbelief or virtue signalling will only enable fascism to take hold.

The coup d’état is not limited to the US. It is a coordinated global attempt to wipe out democracy permanently.

Sometimes conspiracies are real. This one unfortunately is very real.
Keep faith in unity and we must trust one another. Partisanship is irrelevant.

To win this war we must act as an undivided democratic force of dissent and resistance to fascism.
Our WW2 vets fought for the right to freedom. This war is a fight for the right to exist.

More from Sunshiny


Seems conservatives have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement.

How does it feel to the average Albertan to be considered second class? Apparently UCP, CPC and other conservatives across Canada are exempt from COVID public health orders.

I wonder if that means anti maskers are first class citizens? What about church pastors and parishioners? Are they first class status too?

But teachers, physicians, police, first responders, grocery workers, and every other Albertan is considered second class.

We don’t get exemptions to avoid public health orders.

What kind of government flouts law and order?

This is not explained by the confused and poorly informed “freedom” focussed Q’Anon and the fanatical Evangelical Christian’s who evidently can’t manage to worship at home.

These are fully informed political aids and politicians. Refusing to be limited by public health orders.
Still believe Calgary protests are peaceful?

Not so much!

Not since Calgary police began enforcing the public health edict for masks and for gatherings.

Pair this violent Calgary protest with this opinion piece.

Is it any wonder that “liberty” ideologues are rebelling against Public Health Measures after the premier gave them every indication their freedom was superior to everyone else’s right to

We have evidence that Kenney is instigating STOCHASTIC TERRORISM.

This is what Trump is currently using to effect a coup in the US.

Maybe a journalist can ask Kenney why he stoked the ire of far right immediately prior to ordering a lockdown?

As Albertans, we are unfamiliar with the tactics used by fascists. Albertans are naive to subterfuge and sedition.

Stochastic terrorism is common in eastern European nations. Russia & Al Qaida use these tactics all the time, but with much more regularity, brutality & deaths.

Here’s an article from 2011. Spelling out the process of creating a “missile” or “lone wolf” by appealing to those individuals who are mentally unstable. Experts have known how stochastic terrorism works for well over a decade.
This was exactly what I was about to write a thread warning about.

A change in leadership in the US at the executive level does not alter the Republican Senators and Congress representatives. A few of whom are implicated in January 6, 2020 insurrection.

There will be a strong urge to forget the danger and the corruption.

After a long period of extended fear, terror and daily assaults on political and social norms, many will want to forget and move forward.

But we cannot take our eyes off those out to dismantle democracy.

Those breathing a sigh of relief, tomorrow this all resumes again in the US. It’s only temporarily paused in the US and correspondingly in Canada.

The urge to move on is strong. Resist it. Celebrate victories and achievements, but DO NOT walk away and forget.

Canadian conservative politicians are tightly connected to many of the Republican traitors who attacked the Capitol Jan 6.

None of them are going to give up. They’ll regroup. They’ll reorganize.

In the mean time, we are all required to stay alert. There is much to do.

The far right has let their agenda be known. They want to end democracy in US and in Canada. That goal is not off the table.

They will continue to pursue this agenda.

Yesterday 12 National Guard members were removed from service.
A lot of people are trying to figure out what UCP means by putting this biblical quote out into the twitter verse at Christmas.

Many have piped up with commentary and criticized the mix of religion and politics. A convention long held in Canada.

The quote is often repeated at Christmas. “A child is born...” makes reference to the birth of Jesus. Makes sense.

But what does it mean?

Christians (and other religious observers with their religious texts) have made an art form out of interpreting what passages mean.

To those most radically devout (some might say zealously faithful), hidden divine meanings are gleaned from “correctly” reading the bible.

That’s what Dominionists believe. That god himself wrote the bible. Through inspiration of the actual authors, & only they can interpret.

And thus, the “inerrant“ bible serves as a strict road map to save ones soul.

Many devout Christians view the passage as a prophecy made centuries before the birth of Christ. A promise made by god through one of his prophets. Jews interpret the passage very differently.

The Anglican Priest is (obviously) correct about this being supersessionism, and a form of Anti-Semitism.

Troublesome as it is for a Canadian provincial govt to be tweeting out Anti-Semitic propaganda, that’s not the only meaning this passage has for Dominionist Christians.

More from Social media

1/ Creating content on Twitter can be difficult. A thread on the stack of tools I use to make my life easier

2/ Thread writing

Chirr app

Price: Free

What I like: has a nice blank space for drafting and a good auto-numbering feature

What I don't: have to copy and paste tweets into Twitter after thread is drafted and can't add pics

3/ Video editing


Price: Free

What I like: great at pulling vids from youtube/twitter and overlaying captions + different audio on them

What I don't: Can't edit content older than 2 days on the free plan

4/ Meme making


Price: Free

What I like: easiest way to caption existing meme formats, quickly

What I don't: limited fonts

5/ Inspiration

iPhone notes app

Price: Free

What I like: no frills & easily accessible. every thread i write starts as an idea in notes

What I don't: difficult to organize

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