We all know that Rama, Lakshmana, Sita are mentioned in Buddhist Ramayana, but Ravana is not mentioned in Buddhist Ramayana. So is Ravana not in Buddhist belief?

Answer :: NO ,Ravan was known to BUDDHISTs and he is Mentioned in "LANKAVATARA SUTRA "

A Thread on BUDDHIST RAVAN https://t.co/k8bfsl1EOJ

The first chapter of the Lankavatara-sutra describes that Lord Buddha once incarnated along with many of his disciples, on the Malay mountain near Lankanagari.
The Tathagata Buddha began to preach with his powerful voice, which began to resonate in the sky(2/n)
Yakshadhiraja Ravana, sitting in the lankanagari at the bottom of the mountain, could not understand this mystery ; Curious when Ravana meditated, he saw that Lord Buddha is giving sermons on the Malay Mountains among many snakes and girls and surrounded by many disciples
Seeing such a divine vision, Mahatma Ravana had a fervent desire that 'I too should appear before God and take advantage of his visions and pray with respect to him that he should visit Lankanagari and do welfare of the Lankavasis (4/n)
Ravana proceeded towards the Malay with Yaksha-kanya and Divyangas on a chariot equipped with many flowers Lankadhipati Ravana, having reached there, performed three revolutions of Lord Buddha while sitting in the chariot
Rakshavaraja Ravana praised Lord Buddha Tathagata got pleased with this praise of Ravana performed in the Totak raga and got up from his seat. Ravana also descended from his divine chariot and offered him a precious gift with respect(6/n)
Pleased with the deep devotion of Ravana, Tathagata said, 'O demon king! A number of Buddhas have appeared in this Lankapuri earlier also who have declared Buddha religion here and will do so in future I will walk with you to lankapuri ', then God climbed on the chariot.
After all the formalities of the reception, Ravana requested Mahamati Buddha to give a sermon to everyone, while praying to take the seat
Then the Buddha performed a miracle that manifested many mountains around Lankanagari Many Ravan, many Buddha and people started appearing
After his long discourse, when Tathagata realized that all the Lankans had benefited from my sermon, he accidentally disappeared into the sky by air, when Ravana and the subjects found themselves in Lankapuri(9/n)
Interestingly- Ravana is referred as
~Ten headed
~ lankadhipati
~lord of Lanka
And buddha is referred in sutra by word _" bhagwan " several times

More from Religion

First thread of the year because I have time during MCO. As requested, a thread on the gods and spirits of Malay folk religion. Some are indigenous, some are of Indian origin, some have Islamic

Before I begin, it might be worth explaining the Malay conception of the spirit world. At its deepest level, Malay religious belief is animist. All living beings and even certain objects are said to have a soul. Natural phenomena are either controlled by or personified as spirits

Although these beings had to be respected, not all of them were powerful enough to be considered gods. Offerings would be made to the spirits that had greater influence on human life. Spells and incantations would invoke their

Two known examples of such elemental spirits that had god-like status are Raja Angin (king of the wind) and Mambang Tali Arus (spirit of river currents). There were undoubtedly many more which have been lost to time

Contact with ancient India brought the influence of Hinduism and Buddhism to SEA. What we now call Hinduism similarly developed in India out of native animism and the more formal Vedic tradition. This can be seen in the multitude of sacred animals and location-specific Hindu gods
1. A)Yes , monotheism does mean there is one God & all other gods are false.

But your statement that it also mean " that God is my God " is misleading . It depends on the doctrine of that monotheistic religion .

From Islamic monotheism , Allah never said that he is Creator of Arabs . He is Creator if all in creation . So from a doctrinal pov your statement doens't hold up .

B ) how did u write Advaita = hindu philosophy ? Do u want me to mention difference between Advaita and dvaita ?

" There is no concept of shirk in Hinduism " . This is a red hearing , No One claimed Hinduism also has concept of shirk .

2. Tribal God ? In Islamic doctrine . No where it says Allah is Only God of Quraish tribe .

It was always " ilahi n Naas " , not to mention islamic was always about one's belief & not race/ethnicity , So it was never tribalistic in its Nature

& If someone's doctrine is to be Questioned for being tribalistic , It's Hinduism . It's a ethnico religion . Originated on the banks of Indus river , With special mentions to " Aryans " in 4 vedas.

Even after 4000 yrs , 95% of it's followers live in India .

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"I really want to break into Product Management"

make products.

"If only someone would tell me how I can get a startup to notice me."

Make Products.

"I guess it's impossible and I'll never break into the industry."


Courtesy of @edbrisson's wonderful thread on breaking into comics –
https://t.co/TgNblNSCBj – here is why the same applies to Product Management, too.

There is no better way of learning the craft of product, or proving your potential to employers, than just doing it.

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They find their own way.