While it is illegal to tally the results of early & absentee ballots before 7PM, but election officials CAN use Dominion Voting machines to scan the ballots allowing each precinct to know the outcome of the election. (cont)

2/ Poll workers have called in their 'unofficial' results and are reporting that the two Democratic Senate candidates are currently winning in a landslide. If by some chance the GOP candidates make up the difference today we're not out of the woods yet (cont.).
3/ Democrats in Fulton County (Atlanta) will have until Friday to 'fix' illegal or improper mail-in-ballots. They will also be able to 'find' as many overseas and military ballots as they need to ensure a Democratic victory.
4/ Since the 'unofficial' Georgia vote count was leaked the #dowjones has lost more than 500 points. The market is pricing in complete Democratic control of the Senate, House, and White House.
5/ BREAKING: According to @GabrielSterling from the Secretary of State's office the Dominion software loaded on security keys was corrupt and new programs were created and are being delivered to polling locations by law enforcement now.

6/ BREAKING: @newsmax is reporting that Dominion voting machines are down or malfunctioning in at least 3 GOP counties in GA and workers aren't able to reach anyone through the support number: 866-654-8683. If you know anyone who can help please DM me.
7/ Sadly the head of the GA GOP spent 5 minutes at the polls today. I contacted him weeks ago to offer to help monitor voting and counting as a poll watcher. He never responded. Democrats are stealing this election and GA Republicans don't care.

8/ @Newsmax is reporting that turnout in Georgia is VERY low. It is 46 degrees and morale is very low among Republican voters and officials. There are very few GOP poll watchers in Fulton County.

More from @amuse

BREAKING: In a new video @PBS's top lawyer is caught telling the truth about the contempt and hatred he has for conservatives. #Expose PBS

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First thread of the year because I have time during MCO. As requested, a thread on the gods and spirits of Malay folk religion. Some are indigenous, some are of Indian origin, some have Islamic

Before I begin, it might be worth explaining the Malay conception of the spirit world. At its deepest level, Malay religious belief is animist. All living beings and even certain objects are said to have a soul. Natural phenomena are either controlled by or personified as spirits

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