By supplying that idiot Hunter Biden with whatever sick requirement he asked, China was able to set up a series of global business deals through Hunter, ultimately gaining power over the Biden crime syndicate.

"Trump has been saying that Biden’s son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped [Hunter] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals inside all these," he said.!
"Now that the election is over, the media have at last been forced to admit the troubling truth: That Hunter Biden has been a willing asset of China’s communists, enriching himself and likely his family, including Joe Biden, in the process, is now clear."
"Footage from a meeting of Communist Chinese party members late last month shows party elites are eager to open up financial markets to Joe Biden, after the TRUMP administration defied their influence."
"...Di’s speech was the history he set forth of how Beijing has long successfully managed to protect its interests in the halls of American power: namely, by relying on “friends” in Wall Street and other U.S. ruling class sectors — which worked until the TRUMP presidency."
"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy topped them all in an appearance on The Ingraham Angle:
This is only the tip of the iceberg. Remember what we’re hearing. These are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor.....
They court and help a city council member become a congressman. This congressman now gets on the Intel Committee. They are only selected for the Intel Committee by the leaders of their party, meaning Nancy Pelosi.
Nancy Pelosi is one of the Gang of 8 along with myself. Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the committee?"
"Many people wondered a few weeks back why Nancy Pelosi continues to make sure that taxpayer money is used to distribute Chinese ‘news’ propaganda to every congressional representative, and now they know why."
Doesn't this sound exactly like something @HillaryClinton would do?
"Imagine my shock today when reports began to surface that a former Clinton Foundation Executive is now being tied to a kindergarten in China that's under investigation for child molestation...
...The former executive in question is one Joel Getz, who according to Reuters is both tied to the Clinton Foundation prior to his role at RYB Education, Incorporated....
The company, RYB Education is currently involved in a scandal that has rocked the nation of China, involving young children and what's described as a case of the school “drugging and molesting young children,” according to CNN."
Not only does @HillaryClinton want to cover up her pedovore ways, she's desperate. This election had mutual interests for the Clinton's, Biden's, and China. In the interest of self preservation, our intel agencies were happy to cooperate.

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