1. “Why Would This Ad Appear On The Front Page Of The Irish Times On January 23rd 2020” ? 🧵1/18 🕵️🔎

Just looks like a regular ad, doesn’t it. Well it isn’t 👇

2. If I was looking at this ad for the first time I wouldn’t pay much attention to it unless I wanted to test drive a Ford. Something then jumped out at me. 201 Event. Swap it round and you get Event 201. A test drive for Event 201 🤔
3. Just in case you don’t know what Event 201 is and when it took place. Event 201 took place on October 18th 2019 in New York. It was attended by the WHO, WEF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & John Hopkins Center for Health Security

4. The John Hopkins Center for Health Security who ran the event receives funding from WHO, BMGF, FDA, Homeland Security and The Rockefeller Foundation to name but a few.
5. Please read this (Part 1) to understand what happened at Event 201
6. Please read this (Part 2) to understand what happened at Event 201
7. So now that everyone knows what Event 201 is, why is this important and what has the ad in the Irish Times newspaper from January 23rd and 25th, 2020 got to do with any of this. Here’s why..
8. Between January 21st and January 24th 2020, the World Economic Forum had their annual meeting in Davos. The ad in the Irish Times appeared twice on January 23rd and January 25th, 2020. So nearly a full year ago.

9. Let’s not forget that CV was a mere blip on the radar at that stage. The very first mention of Coronavirus to appear in the Irish Times was January 22nd, 2020 so it was very much in its infancy and was still only in 🇨🇳 allegedly.
10. Back to the ad itself. Look carefully at the wording of the ad and the timeline of events.

201 TEST DRIVE Event

Is it merely a coincidence or was something bigger at play. I also checked to see if the ad appeared again at any stage in 2020. No, it did not.
11. There is no doubt in my mind that it is a signal to the people in the know to prepare and get ready for the lockdown in 🇮🇪 as had been laid out in Event 201 back in October 2019.
12. The lockdown in 🇮🇪 didn’t take place for another 2 months, until March 18th 2020. I expect this was when all the ads, signs etc were being put together for all the public announcements across the media. Remember how amazingly quick they were all rolled out across 🇮🇪
13. That also would have given the media such as RTE, IT and The Independent time to prime and terrify people using the psychological tools at their disposal. Constant fear mongering for 2 months 24/7 on the TV, Newspapers & Radio.
14. It was those two months from January to March that people were told to hand wash and “socialist” distance. Everybody walked on opposite sides of the street for fear of catching the “lethal” ro and avoided everybody else like the plague.
15. On March 18th we were then put into extreme lockdowns, people not allowed to visit each other and could only travel within a 2km radius. Ireland was like a scene out of a horror movie. Nobody was out and about, the streets were deserted. "The Calm Before The Storm" 👇
16. This undoubtedly has been one of the most well planned and orchestrated pandemics ever. We have been well and truly "played" as has been evidenced by the placing of an “ad” in a national newspaper 2 months before lockdown. The pump was being primed from January 23rd.
17. That’s not all though. I have discovered other things as well which took place in the IT in the last year. It has been one of the central conduits for relaying information. I’m working on it now and hope to release them as a 🧵 in the coming weeks. Please R/T. END
18. Thanks for reading. If you would like to read additional threads on other COVID topics I have collated them all in the one place for easy reading.


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