Here are a few thoughts on everything from this humble reply guy:

1: The establishment/uniparty/whatever are about to go scorched earth on whatever is left of the MAGA movement. The pampered rich kid just got a bloody nose and is about to send his lawyer parents after the bully.

If anyone wanted to defuse this, they'd offer amnesty to the protestors and give Trump a backdoor deal where he's uncharged but stays out of the political world and gets to go back to being a reality TV personality, with a bit of Dubya-style character rehabilitation thrown in.
From there, they'd steer the MAGA movement back into the ideological walled garden of Dan Crenshaw and Charlie Kirk. There'd still be rallies, but now it'd be Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley. The vast majority of Trump's voter base would lap it up like puppies.
But everyone either doesn't want to defuse this (so they can scorch even more earth) or they're so blinded by partisan furor (and their base is so fired up) that the calls for blood become a vicious cycle that pushes this towards the territory of 19th century American politics.
2: The clearpill is that even when galaxies collide, individual star systems are barely affected. Focus on yourself, focus on your job, focus on building and sustaining a good home life, and no matter which way the political winds end up blowing, you'll probably be alright.
3: Don't do anything rash, and don't do anything stupid. Things only blow your way if some plurality of elites want them to, and there's no use trying to be a minuteman if there's no John Hancock or Sam Adams to have your back. The guys in DC just found that out the hard way.
4: If the last year didn't sow the seeds for the next John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Ben Franklin, or Thomas Jefferson, then nothing will. If they don't show up, then take the L and focus on yourself. Mankind has been through worse. Far worse.
5: Don't make any mistakes about it, the establishment hates the Bernie/DSA folks just as much as they hate the MAGA folks, the Bernie base just rolled over first. AOC and "The Squad" are just Dan Crenshaw or Charlie Kirk with tits. Warren is Ted Cruz. All utterly astroturfed.
The ideological awakening of a great deal of the left is about to come this decade as they watch the Democrats pivot the """revolutionary""" energy of last year that unseated Trump into more wars, more sweetheart deals with insurance companies instead of Medicare For All, etc.
A lot of millennials on the left are hurting, and it's going to sting to see their heroes totally ignore the student loan and millennial wealth crises while Stacy Abrams and Kamala Harris wag their fingers as they order the first troops into Syria, to full media applause.
The Anna/Dasha/Aimee Terese/Greenwald/Tracey energy within the left is only going to grow under those circumstances. People are going to start seeing that the beloved causes of the 2010s left were just window dressing to hide the neoliberal agenda. Left wing Reaganism.
As nothing gets better for left wing millennials, that's going to lead to a lot of very angry people who are ready to be unplugged from the Matrix. We get to be Morpheus, and it's going to be rad. Focus on your IRL friendships, regardless of ideology. We're all in this together.

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