this simple, counter narrative fact keeps cropping up all over the world.

hospital and ICU utilization has been and remains low this year.

it's terribly curious that so few of these monitoring tools provide historical baselines.

getting them is like pulling teeth.

we might think of this as an oversight until you see stuff like this:

this woman was arrested for filming and sharing the fact that their are empty hospitals in the UK.

that's full blown soviet. what possible honest purpose does that serve?
this is the action of a police state and a propaganda ministry, not a well intentioned government and a public heath agency.

"we cannot let people see the truth for fear they might base their actions on real facts" is not much of a mantra for just governance.
90% full ICU sounds scary until you realize that 90-100% full is normal in flu season.

staffed ICU beds are expensive to leave empty. it's like flying with 15% of the plane empty. hospitals don't do that.

and all US hospitals are mandated to be able to flex to 120% ICU.
the US is currently at historically low ICU utilization for this time of year.

61% is "you're all going to go out of business" territory as is 66% full hospital use.

can you blame them for mining CARES act money? they'll die without it.
US hospitals have been under such strain from lack of use that they engaged in massive lay offs. they have only hired half those people back.

the temp agencies are glutted with staff and have no demand. this argument that "we have beds but no docs" is flat out made up.
many hospitals can easily hit 150% ICU at need.

this is why when everyone in media was panicking about texas hospitals, the CEO's were not.

because they actually know how this works and had been at the same levels the year before.
meanwhile, california is fiddling the data to make occupancy look like it's 100%.
but california ICU is not 100%. it's 81%. that is a low number for this time of year by 10-20 points.
and no, LA is not overwhelmed.
nor is SF or SD.
this endless "we need to save the hospitals!" canard has been the false driver of bad policy.

they have not been threatened in the US throughout this whole covid pandemic. not even perennial basket case NYC needed to use overflow.

unlike 2018.
hospitals are dramatic places. there is a reason so many TV shows have used them as a setting. crazy stuff happens every day. and you can always find some 2nd year resident having a melt down.

that's why so many wash out of that job.
this hospital stress has been used to push awful health policy. they stir your fear and your heart strings with histrionic anecdote and misleading data.

they then use it to push masks and lockdowns, 2 policies that have shown 0 efficacy.
asymptomatic spread has been shown time and time again to be negligible.

you could drop it to zero and make no meaningful difference in this epidemic.
and all this was known. it was in all the standing pandemic guidelines.

this is not "following the science" this is ignoring 100 years of it to make stuff up and take the world on an unprecedented public health joyride that has ended in disaster.
we've used tests that are not suited to purpose to and bizarrely and uniquely inclusive definitions to drive a "casdemic" and to overstate deaths using "death with" instead of "death from."
and we have ignored the basic stats 101 concept of "sample rate" to make a drop in US prevalance look like a rise.
2020 is the year we abandoned science and reason in favor of unfounded charlatanry and propaganda to force upon an unsuspecting populace policies that could not and did not work to address a problem that was never real.

lockdowns and masks do not slow spread or save hospitals.
there is no evidence that lockdowns and masks save lives and loads of evidence that they have not.

and yet we keep going back to this poisoned well for more water every time we get scared because those who inflicted this cannot and will not admit that it failed.
the admission that this policy has been a total failure would be political suicide. if you want to know why this issue is so political, that's why.

the architects of this disastrous and ineffective policy need to brazen it out and pretend it worked.
they need to pin medals on themselves and declare victory or they will be pariahs.

their best interest is not your best interest and as they party at french laundry and jet to cabo, it's clear they do not believe a world of what they are saying.

and neither should you.
anyone who cannot see by now that hospitals are fine and that lockdowns do not work is either so data illiterate as to be hopeless or so dishonest as to be not worth listening to.

which one makes you want them in charge?

they dominated 2020. do not let them dominate 2021.

More from el gato malo

global health policy in 2020 has centered around NPI's (non-pharmaceutical interventions) like distancing, masks, school closures

these have been sold as a way to stop infection as though this were science.

this was never true and that fact was known and knowable.

let's look.

above is the plot of social restriction and NPI vs total death per million. there is 0 R2. this means that the variables play no role in explaining one another.

we can see this same relationship between NPI and all cause deaths.

this is devastating to the case for NPI.

clearly, correlation is not proof of causality, but a total lack of correlation IS proof that there was no material causality.

barring massive and implausible coincidence, it's essentially impossible to cause something and not correlate to it, especially 51 times.

this would seem to pose some very serious questions for those claiming that lockdowns work, those basing policy upon them, and those claiming this is the side of science.

there is no science here nor any data. this is the febrile imaginings of discredited modelers.

this has been clear and obvious from all over the world since the beginning and had been proven so clearly by may that it's hard to imagine anyone who is actually conversant with the data still believing in these responses.

everyone got the same R
google censorship of great barrington declaration: update.

this morning, there was no link to it in a direct google search.

now, there is.

could this be because certain internet felines noticed this and @chiproytx and @tedcruz helped call them out on this?

we may never know.

but i'd like to think so.

the google page is still a mess. it's still mostly fringe publication hit pieces and conspiracy theories.

when "mother jones" is your top media result for a science search, well, that says it all, doesn't it?


i mean, why would we trust THESE people instead of a reporter at one of the most partisan rags on earth? oh, wait..

they are not being censored for being wrong. they're being censored for being right and being credible

they're censored because the other side cannot rebut them

and that is simply not a thing we can or should tolerate, especially not in a search engine.

so remember this. look for it in the future. demand primary sources.

use other search engines.

bing seems to be seeking to inform, not to inflame and mislead.

if you missed it, the original thread was here:

(and yes, lots of people duplicated my finding this morning)

i'd be curious to see what they are all seeing

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I think @SamAdlerBell in his quest to be the contrarian on Fauci gets several things wrong here. 1/

First, the failure last year actually was driven by the White House, the #Trump inner circle. Watch what's happening now, the US' scientific and public health infrastructure is creaking back to life. 2/

I think Sam underestimates the decimation of many of our health agencies over the past four years and the establishment of ideological control over them during the pandemic. 3/

I also am puzzled why Tony gets the blame for not speaking up, etc. Robert Redfield, Brett Giroir, Deb Birx, Jerome Adams, Alex Azar all could have done the same. 4/

Several of these people Bob Redfield, Brett Giroir, Alex Azar were led by craven ambition, Jerome Adams by cowardice, but I do think Deb Birx and Tony tried as institutionalists, insiders to make a difference. 5/
@SMILEWithmeNGO Hello @SMILEWithmeNGO I am glad to be here. Thank you for having me.

A very big welcome to everyone joining today’s conversation. Our guest today needs no introduction especially in the sphere of cancer control and advocacy. Welcome @runciecwc

@runciecwc Q1: So Runcie @runciecwc, we see all the amazing work you do as an advocate.
Can you share with us some of the work that you have been doing in cancer control in Nigeria?

@runciecwc That’s amazing. Your work speaks for you. Thanks for all you do.
Q2: What is this @WHO Global Strategy to accelerate the Elimination of CervicalCancer? Can you elaborate on it?

@runciecwc @WHO Q3: In your experience, so far what are the greatest challenges you have identified with cancer control in Nigeria?

@runciecwc @WHO Q4: Interestingly, we have seen that your organization is part of the Coalition of CSOs against Cervical Cancer in Nigeria, @CervicalCancerN, what is the goal of this Coalition? #CheatCervicalCancer

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