SCOOP: San Diego Unified School District tells white teachers they are guilty of “spirit murdering” black children and should undergo “antiracist therapy for White educators.”

I've obtained explosive whistleblower documents from the training session. Let's dig in. 🧵

This summer, San Diego Unified hired critical race theorist Bettina Love for a district-wide training on "[challenging] the oppressive practices that live within ... school organizations." The district forbade recordings, but my whistleblower took screenshots and detailed notes.
According to the whistleblower notes, Love began by saying that "racism runs deep" in America and that blacks alone "know who America really is." Love claimed that public schools "don't see [blacks] as human," perpetuate “anti-Blackness,” and "spirit murder babies."
The concept of “spirit murder” is at the heart of Love’s teachings. Love writes that public schools are guilty of “the spirit murdering of Black and Brown children,” defines as “a death that is built on racism and intended to reduce, humiliate, and destroy people of color.”
During the presentation, Love argued that “Whiteness reproduces poverty, failing schools, high unemployment, school closings, and trauma for people of color.” She insisted that “white educators must take responsibility” because they uphold “white supremacy culture.”
To correct this, Love argued that “reform will not work” and that schools must adopt “abolitionist teaching" to “remove oppression from its roots.” Love told white teachers they must undergo “antiracist therapy for White educators” in order to overcome their ignorance and racism.
San Diego Unified has been radicalized. In recent months, the district announced mandatory diversity training, added a new racial grievance curriculum, and abolished the requirement to turn in homework on time—all in the name of becoming “an anti-racist school district.”
Unfortunately, these policies will ultimately harm all students, including minorities. As charter school leader @IanVRowe argues, the district's policies are a “modern day version of the soft bigotry of low expectations” that will “dumb down the grading system for all.”
San Diego schools are pushing the dangerous concepts of "spirit murdering" and whites-only "antiracist therapy."

Read my full report and the full whistleblower documents here:
P.S. I'm working on a series of investigative reports on "wokeness in schools." If you want to support this work, please consider a $5 or $10 monthly donation here.

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