Window dressing: : the act or an instance of making something appear deceptively attractive or favorable

Tens of thousands of of businesses shut down, economy in shambles, windows showing abandoned stores and restaurant are staring at you ugly when you are passing by. Now the same leftists responsible for this disaster think they found a solution to fix the ugliness they created.
This is the solution our Dem leaders have chosen to remedy the scars they created and the livelihoods they destroyed: apply some make-up. Make art installations in the windows of the abandoned stores and restaurants. Apply propaganda lipstick on the leftist pig and call it "art"
God forbid our leftist betters who run our cities would have thought of stopping this closure madness and helping people go back to work, re-opening stores and restaurants. That's not what they want. They want you to stay at home, afraid and dependent on their hand-outs.
In Socialist Romania during the years of the Ceausescu regime they did pretty much the same thing, only they didn't call it "art". The grocery stores and butcher shops were always empty, there was no food anywhere other that on the black market.
The Communist Party propaganda was saying socialism is superior to capitalism and as such there were no shortages of any kind anywhere in the country and the people were happy. So what the propaganda activists did was window dressing:
Whenever Ceausescu was announcing a "work visit" in a city, they were selecting a produce market or a grocery store for him to stop by and "inspect" it.
The day before the official visit trucks were pulling in with all kind of food stuff regular people didn't see in ages.
Workers were lining up the shelves with many kinds of cheeses, bread, olives, canned food, salami, cooking oil, smoked meats, fish, fillet mignon, bacon and even roasted peanuts - yes, peanuts was a luxury for us back then.
Of course, no shoppers were allowed in the store after that, the police was posted at the entrance keeping the store full of food but empty of people, who otherwise would have stampeded and killed each other just to grab a kilo of whatever they could grab from inside the store.
The following day the entire traffic on the boulevard where the store was located was stopped, and Ceausescu would show up in town a couple of hours later in his presidential bulletproof ARO 4X4 SUV flanked by several vehicles carrying his security detail and Party activists
Other vehicles would follow with newspaper journalists and a TV news crew from the one and only TV station Romania had at the time. Ceausescu would enter the store, start talking to carefully pre-screened workers, give advice on how they should run things.
The TV cameras and the photogs mission was to focus on two things: the great leader and the shelves full of food. Then the same day, the Romanian TV would broadcast those images to the black and white TV screens in the living rooms of millions of hungry and cold Romanians,
in a futile attempt to convince them they are living in a land of socialist plenty and their dear communist leader and his wife are like their caring parents to them.

I predict you have a question: what would happen with the window dressing items after the visit ended?
What happened to all the food they would show on the TV screen together with the great leader? Would they sell it to the shoppers after he left?
Of course not.
Fact is, nobody knows what happened with it. Trucks would pull in the back of the store, the workers would load them.
After that nobody knows where it went. Some would speculate was put somewhere in a storage/refrigerated and ready for the next presidential visit somewhere else. Some were saying it was transported and distributed at the Party stores which had a special restricted access regime.
I for one, believe the second hypothesis. Why? Because as far as I can recall, I have never seen a thin Communist Party activist. They were all big bellied with thick necks and fat double chins, so it means unlike the rest of us, they were consistently well fed.
This window dressing was so ridiculous nobody believed it; yet the Party propaganda did it all the same. I remember a popular singer-songwriter called Alexander Andries composed a song mocking it. It was circulating on snuff tapes and he was playing it in underground concerts.
The song goes like this:
"Tonight again on the news (3 X),
Tonight again on the news, I've seen cheese,
Chorus: tonight again on the news (3 X),
Tonight again on the news, I've seen cheese.
"I watched the rest of the programming, but it didn't appeared again,
I even watched until the end, but that's no problem - because:
Tomorrow again on the news (3 X)
Tomorrow again on the news, I shall see cheese again!
Please tell me what the leaders of our city aren't doing exactly the same window dressing today the Ceausescu propaganda was doing in socialist Romania in the 1980's. Back then, they were filling empty stores with food. Today, in California they are filling them with "art"
How long until we are going to see cheese only on the TV screens in this country, if we let these leftist Democrats getting away with their socialist agenda and and let them keep trampling on our liberties?
/End thread.

More from Economy

What do a Tory Peer, Selwyn Gummer (Lord Chadlington), David Sumner ( Sumner Group Holdings) and the Sanchez Perez family (drugs money, laundered through Gold mines) have in common?

It’s another company-saving a £50 million PPE contract shaggy dog story

Connections, connections

What a start to the story

“A bulletproof truck trundled down the road in downtown Lima, guarded by 18 policeman
They were wearing body armour & wielding high velocity rifles

No-one was taking any chances
This was a Special delivery for Peruvian Prosecutor for an anti drug trial

That was in 2011, the same year that Lord Chadlington’s daughter got married in Chadlington to Henry Allsopp.

Who was there?
Yes Kirstie Allsopp of Location, location, location and all this Covid nonsense fame) is his sister

Camilla, his Godmother

Jeremy Hunt


Well. Come on. Lord Chadlington had been chair of the local Witney Conservative Association. It’s only fair.

Hang on. Julian Wheatland, Director of SCL Group/ Cambridge Analytica had also been chair of Witney Conservative Association...and campaigned for his mate Cameron

Are we sure Julian Wheatland and his side kick Alexander Nix were not there too @JolyonMaugham ?

I mean. They move in the same North Oxford circles.

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