Today is my 3 year anniversary of being a nomad!
🌏 20 countries
🤓5 side hustles & 1 salaried remote job
👫2 relationships
🇰🇷fav nomad country
🧠top lesson: every country's best quality is also its worst; this applies to many things in life

The best moments weren't the 'big things' but rather the small moments:
🌧️ Listening to the rain pour outside in Taipei
🍗🍻 👯‍♂️Chimaek and laughter with friends in Seongsu
🌸Strolling under cherry blossoms at night in Nakameguro
On my 3 year nomadiversary, I'm looking at 1 yr apartment leases.
It's a whole new level of culture shock being home in 🇺🇸 again. I'm ready to be in one place but also feel like a part of my identity and community is being stripped away.
I'll spend the rest of 2019 rediscovering magic.

Travel took up so much of my energy that now that I'm done, I'm not sure what else brings me a sense of wonder. I need to relearn who I am and what feels right.

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Following @BAUDEGS I have experienced hateful and propagandist tweets time after time. I have been shocked that an academic community would be so reckless with their publications. So I did some research.
The question is:
Is this an official account for Bahcesehir Uni (Bau)?

Bahcesehir Uni, BAU has an official website which links to their social media, leading to their Twitter account @Bahcesehir

BAU’s official Twitter account

BAU has many departments, which all have separate accounts. Nowhere among them did I find @BAUDEGS
@BAUOrganization @ApplyBAU @adayBAU @BAUAlumniCenter @bahcesehirfbe @baufens @CyprusBau @bauiisbf @bauglobal @bahcesehirebe @BAUintBatumi @BAUiletisim @BAUSaglik @bauebf @TIPBAU

Nowhere among them was @BAUDEGS to find