Neumorphism is a trendy UI style nowadays. So let's create a neumorphic form using few simple steps


Neumorphic design is another UI design that has become popular these days.

Making neumorphic effect is actually pretty easy using only just CSS box-shadow

We'll be creating a neumorphic form in steps👇🏼


Place a light source(virtually) on screen. In this example I'm considering that my light source is placed top left corner of the screen


Create a container div and set background color slightly darker than white. I picked #ecf0f3

* Make sure that the color of body and container should be same


As we placed our light source on top-left corner, make sure left and top border of container should be brighter than right and bottom border.

This will make the element looks like it has the light source illuminating from the top left corner of the screen.


Create a brand logo using same technique. Since brand going to protrude from the container, use same color i.e, #ecf0f3

Add bright color shadow at the top left side and dark color shadow at the bottom right side


The input fields going to have a sunken effect. And to achieve this we will use inset box-shadow


As light is coming from top-left corner, hence right and bottom border will be bright in this case because input fields have sunken effect.


Create a button preferably of same color as logo because this will give you a more fascinating look to your design

Add hover selector and apply box-shadow none when you mouse over it

Wasn't it easy?

Neumorphic design is all based on box-shadow property.
You just need to remember two things👇🏼

- Protrude effect in outer element (normal box-shadow)
- Sunken effect in inner elements (Inset box-shadow)

Source code: @CodePen


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