love to see a youtube video that references a script that's linked in the comments and it's an obfuscated link to a one-click hoster.


it does still work, but that's because it's only been 2 years.

also, wow, this is horrible.
the script is to generate random kanji/han characters and insert them into minecraft books.
but the video references there being two hotkeys to generate two distinct books, which seemed odd. so I thought I'd check.
it turns out by "random" they mean "pre-randomized and is hardcoded into the 45 kilobyte autohotkey scripot"
I mean, I get it. I don't want to write AutoHotKey scripts either. it's a horrible, horrible language.

it's like PHP designed by someone who learned on Visual Basic for Applications
ANYWAY I decided to not just complain about it, and archived it:
that's the script for this video:
naturally I would comment and add a link to it, but of course I can't post links in the comments.
anyway, autohotkey is great.
have you ever wanted to get a list of drives on a system?
That's simple!

DriveGet, drives, List
now you have a variable named "drives" which is a string containing a list like "ACDEFP"
that's how programming languages work, right?
assigning variables
small brain: a=1 (fortran, C, descendants of C)
big brain: a := 1 (ALGOL, Pascal)
cosmic brain: LET A=1 (early BASIC)
multiverse brain: a <- 1 (F#, OCaml)
brane cosmology bulk brain: there is no assignment, functions output to one of their arguments (AHK)
fun fact: AHK actually also uses = and :=

it just doesn't use them for functions.
it's got "=" which is called legacy... assignment? they don't actually call it assignment.
legacy variable storage, let's say.
the fun thing is that = only takes integers, unquoted strings, and other variables.

but if you do:

that's either an error, or you'll get a string containing "1+2".
I'm not sure which. I don't really want to find out
whereas if you do:
a := 1+2

a will be set to "3"
BTW these differences in = and := mean that if you convert that above example from = to :=, you get:

in computer science, we call this "consistency"
this is the fundamental problem with AutoHotKey as a language:
it started as a bad batch scripting language and got a little powerful with some visual basic ideas, and then it got "fixed" into being a more usable language, but THEY LEFT THE OLD SYNTAX VALID FOR COMPATIBILITY
it's like having a language that uses Go's syntax but you can always just drop down to
20 GOTO 10
in the middle of a method
autohotkey is a language that could have been fixed, and they tried to fix it, but they tried to fix it by nailing the "fixed" version onto the side of the broken version
I guess it's fortunate then that microsoft is trying so hard to murder autohotkey.
once it stops working there won't be any more language evolution
maybe I should port autohotkey to an arduino keyboard+mouse.

or maybe I shouldn't torture tiny computers

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