1/n Presenting Part One of my second trilogy (following the 2020 Lockdown Trilogy) in my Cartoon series:

“The War of the Worlds & Age of Extinction Cometh – The Transformers of MolBiol”

A comprehensive guide of the imagery found in this canvas is contained in this thread:

2/n Starting at the upper RH part of the image and moving from right to left, one first sees the “Three Witches of Molbiol” riding on a Trojan Horse. The three witches (ref: Macbeth) are depicted as enablers of the crisis via their mischief = misuse of molecular biology.
3/n Let us start with the arguably fake Prof. Drosten who heads the Charité Institute in Berlin. Drosten led work to develop a first PCR test protocol for SARS-CoV-2 published by @Eurosurveillanc in record time and promoted by WHO as a ‘gold standard’.
4/n Had Drosten done his work honestly and produced a test capable of detecting the SARS-CoV-2 entity, all might be well today, but he did not. His manifest scientific failings and problems with conflicts of interest are fully documented in here:
5/n Of course Drosten could not have carried off this piece of MolBiol sleight of hand all on his own. He needed accomplices & global support. A key European ‘witch’ was Dutch based @MarionKoopmans , a co-author of the Corman-Drosten scientific paper.
6/n It turns out that @MarionKoopmans has some troubling conflicts of interest herself, not least of which is her cosy relationship of over several years with the China Center for Disease control. More about China later in this thread.
7/n The pandemic scare of 2020 couldn’t have worked unless orchestrated simultaneously over a very large geography. A similar stunt in 2009 with the ‘Swine Flu’ pandemic flopped after excellent work by @wodarg . Not without tragic outcomes for some:
8/n So many features of the Swine flu fiasco; rushed development into a defective & unsafe vaccine, Drosten’s & WHO involvement have all been mirrored in the 2020 crisis. This ARTE doc (German TV channel) from 2009 (German with EN subs) shows how it went.
9/n But in 2020 the fraudsters & pharma criminals were much better co-ordinated. The community of Molbiol abusers is naturally small but in this case included a S hemisphere rep., @MackayIM (the Aussie-gang) – as the 3rd witch. https://t.co/sH8d2sYMMu
10/n The 3 witches of MolBiol created a stinking brew of faulty science & then set about selling this to the rest of the world. A veil of scientific authenticity was needed of course & came via @Eurosurveillanc publishing the Corman-Drosten paper on 23rd Jan 2020.
11/n The misuse of PCR to lock down whole countries resulted in several criticisms of Drosten’s protocol, all from individual independent scientists. They were summarily dismissed, but end Nov 2021 a group of 22 scientists published this definitive work: https://t.co/rJK5vPm3ZN
12/n The ‘Corman-Drosten Review Report called upon Eurosurveillance to retract Drosten’s publication, having identified 9 fundamental flaws in it, any one sufficient to render the test incapable of detecting SCoV2 target entity.
13/n Eurosurveillance committed to carry out their own review of the retraction request by end Jan 2021 using several ‘anonymous independent experts’. One was a PCR scientist from the UK @StephenABustin . How did he come to be identified?
14/n Bustin accidentally let it slip in a PCR science interview on ‘Planet Radio’ that he was one of the reviewers engaged by @Eurosurveillanc . All he felt able to divulge in public was that he considered the C-D Review Report to be a “disgraceful piece of work”. Interesting…
15/n @StephenABustin is available ‘for hire’ as a PCR expert. He designs and sells his own tests & in a famous US legal case he received a six-figure payment for his critical testimony on a flawed test design. His criticism was certainly scientifically valid but strangely…
16/n when it came to scrutiny of Drosten’s test (with the same flaw) he gave it a clean bill of health, considering the 22 other scientists “disgraceful”. Hence, & like Drosten, he seems to blow with the wind & earned his place in history as: “The Shit Shoveller of MolBiol”.
17/n Unsurprisingly, when @Eurosurveillanc returned their verdict in Feb. (they missed their end Jan deadline by some days, non-urgent biz) they could only do one thing: uphold their original decision to publish fake science: https://t.co/iHStVSIKDS (contains Bustin's interview)
18/n The PCR fraud is propped up by a whole creaking and corrupt apparatus of business interests, alliances & suspicious NGOs whose only purpose is to install a kind of medical dictatorship upon society - nothing to do with population health & all to do with money & power.
19/n Oh yes, those little drones hovering busily above the witches … I almost forgot those.
They represent the suppliers of essential raw materials for the witches (in Macbeth times wing of bat, leg of frog etc etc)…
20/n The modern versions of those items are called ‘sequences’ (right now ‘mutant strains’) & mainly supplied by 3 secretive outfits. If you try to get too close to any of these organisations beware… you might get a nasty spell cast upon you or worse…
21/n for it is most important to remember (and you will know this if you have ever worked in the FMCG business as I have) that it is always necessary to have a product initiative pipeline. These are highly valuable and very closely guarded business secrets.
22/n If governments served their people well, this whole Trojan plot would never get off the ground. Unfortunately, in the West, they do not. In Germany “Mutti Merkel” has been more than willing to go along with the fake science. Why? – we need answers.
23/n Robert F Kennedy Jnr. explained the tendency of many political leaders to want to adopt repressive policies in his August 29th 2020 address to a massive audience at a Corona demo in Berlin.
24/n “The Patient Autocrat” also can't be ignored in understanding origins of the fake pandemic. @MichaelPSenger did exhaustive analysis showing how the CCP aided by WHO & western actors undoubtedly ‘exported’ a shock-and-awe event to cripple the west.
25/n Any global competitor will always do what all competitors do (try to gain competitive advantage). If everyone is doing that then there is a balance of interests … a healthy competitive one which is the way it should be. The problem arises however…
26/n when one ideology becomes the dominant one. Why have western countries allowed Trojan horses to infiltrate their freedom loving societies and destroy the institutions which should be the guarantors of freedoms fought so hard for by our parent’s generation?
27/n Instead of focussing on ‘the visible enemy without’, freedom loving people of the west should destroy ‘the unseen enemy within’. It is not hard to find but comes in many forms. One is HighTech surveillance beloved of autocrats & some western leaders: https://t.co/dmwc36z1RI
28/n Another failure is the perilous state of the ‘pillars of democracy’ namely, the institutions, the independent media & independent judiciary. When these all fail, as they are failing today through years of neglect and infiltration, we border on a tyranny of totalitarianism…
29/n An Aldous Huxley nightmare brought about by mass fear mongering propaganda during the Corona crisis? Yes, this has happened in front of our very own eyes as we witness scenes we would have dismissed as impossible 12 months ago.
30/n So where does this leave us today? I would suggest that western society is critically unmoored, adrift & in a dangerous place, like a rudderless ship drifting inexorably towards rocks. I think of this as being in a kind of ‘No Man’s Land’ in the WWI sense.
31/n The ‘No Man’s Land’ of WWI was a place where:
- gut wrenching fear was ever present
-death came suddenly and unexpectedly
-horrific unimaginable scenes were ‘normal’
32/n Furthermore if you disagreed with the narrative of your leaders and wanted to hop off the insane destruction machine of human life you were condemned for this. Many who went mad were also summarily dealt with...
33/n And the most terrible feature of all of this? The carnage of the trenches went un-noticed by the majority. Members of the public far away from the battle front went about their lives fairly normally, unable to even imagine the scale of the horrors endured…
34/n But in today’s ‘Age of Extinction’ & with better information flow, some reports do at least filter through to sound an alarm bell among those whose senses have not been destroyed by the endless barrage of propaganda.


35/n Enemy generals of course cannot be expected to change battle plans into which they have invested their whole ‘raison d’être’.

36/n You see they’ve discovered a great solution for their BIGGEST PROBLEM (Return on investment):
- Pharma sells drugs to sick people because sick people want to be cured
- But in a normal population there are not many sick people
- So profits & ROI will always be limited
- Turn perfectly healthy people into ‘sick’ people needing vaccines
- But how’s that done?
- Remember the Drosten PCR test where it all started!
- And, by the way, ensure no liability for vaccine producers in case product unsafe.

38/n While many happily bury their heads in the sand & look forward to becoming ‘vaccine heroes’ in order to get fake freedom passports, I reject this. I am proud to be associated with true freedom fighters & groups who in WWII spirit may yet turn ‘The Battle for Civilisation’.
39/n @CoronaAusschuss @ukcolumn @Bobby_Network @NickHudsonCT @Kevin_McKernan @ale_battini @_aliosubsole_ @CousinCusanus @21WIRE @lucyjohnston439 @MarioArgenta @daystar1952 @JamesDelingpole @TreverBoyce705 @Trevalone @MLevitt_NP2013 @jude99_ @Anyes90273757 @mulroneyb @Lyndonx
40/n @ContessaRenata @stezia7 @SharpieDj @WmCross_Grazier @centerinventor1 @Anna5705 @heaneyp @Moosefucker @GillRaeWalker @Hasan08931491 @TTBikeFit @profnfenton @PHockertz @msnorthcott @UdiQimron @MisterRan @Vlad2d71828 @kgdr63 @RealyAmerica @GraceAnne_kelly @DarylSaskCooper
41/n @peRFectTennisUK @stevencooganUK @PiersRobinson1 @TootDai @DiniKortman @GunnarKaiser @m_matuschek @nicOdermia @Annlyn85501308 @nbm_1981 @Truth_Matters9 @simoncookdesign @Alex_on_A14 @hayden01612929 @reitschuster @TomBradyMD1 @toadmeister @Medical_Nemesis @thomas_boehnke
42/n @birb_k @SAWBOBandB @aya_velazquez @Sleuth_4_Truth @deanybeany19 @adrianflane @And_NothingElse @BrianOSheaSPI @JamesMelville @naomirwolf @MaxEntropyy @RHolzeisen @existentialrest @TB_TB_TB_TB_TB @AntiWokeBritain @paul_schreyer @CarolineAdriaa1 @CharlesWalkerMP @briangukc
43/n @goddeketal @Dirku51 @ChrisWickNews @ChrisMasseyFOIs @Chris_80F @MMaccruiskeen @DoloresCahill11 @angelovalidiya @Kwikfit4uTim @righttospeak3 @paintsndaubs @_gajarvis @KathWoollenArt @JustNormNow @PavelNatyx @RatesZero @Rogue_Asset @robert_spalding @DaFeid @TiceRichard

More from Category c19

A brief tutorial in health education to show you how sound health education models have been used for manipulation instead of creating health awareness during the COVID 19 pandemic. We'll uses masks as an example of a health behavior.
Are you ready to explore? 1/n

The Health Belief Model (HBM) consists of 5 components: perceived threat (lethality + Susceptibility),
perceived benefits,
perceived barriers and
cues to action.

Familiarise yourself with the definition of each concept in this table. 2/n

Study this diagram to understand how the components are interrelated. 3/n

Now let’s apply this to the COVID 19 pandemic.
Review this diagram to see how the HBM applies to the behaviour of mask-wearing.
“perceived susceptibility appeared to be the most significant factor determining compliance” 4/n

Part I: The HBM
Increase the perceived threat of a disease
1) increase perceived severity: Confusing the general public with CFR & IFR- 2 indicators that are an order of magnitude apart.
People understood wrongly that the fatality rate of C19 is

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